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Client Status not Changing to Active upon Placing Order


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We have a system in which, for various reasons, we create client accounts and then the clients login to place their orders. When we create the accounts, we mark them as "Inactive." We had always assumed that when the client logs in, and places an order, her/her status would then change to "Active." However this hasn't happened. As a result we have a lot of clients who how have products/domains but are still listed in the system as "Inactive."


Have we misunderstood how the client status is updated? And is there anyway to fix this that doesn't require us to go into ever individual client listing and change it manually?

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if you go to the admin area and select automation settings, at the bottom of the page there is an option called "Client Status Update" with the following three options.


Disabled - never auto change client status

Change client status based on active/inactive products

Change client status based on active/inactive products and not logged in for longer than 3 months


do you have the disabled option selected ?? if so, change it to one of the others and next time the cron job runs it should change the applicable accounts.

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Thanks, Brian.


I've looked at the automation setting documentation, and it seems to me that this cron is designed to change clients who are currently "Active" but who don't have any current products to "Inactive" -- but not vice versa.


That said, I'm not sure the cron is even doing what it is designed to do. :-/ I do have the option selected and the cron set up, but I have clients who are "Active" with no products, and the cron doesn't seem to change their status.


I'm really not sure what's going on.

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That said, I'm not sure the cron is even doing what it is designed to do. :-/ I do have the option selected and the cron set up, but I have clients who are "Active" with no products, and the cron doesn't seem to change their status.


I'm really not sure what's going on.

neither am I.


I can tell you though that when you have an inactive client and they make an order, their status wouldn't change immediately but only after the cron has been run.


I have an inactive account in my setup with no active products - whmcs long ago set it to inactive via a cron job... i've just logged in to the client area, made a dummy order, confirmed the order in admin area - so account is now inactive, with one active product... manually ran the cron job and it switched the account from inactive to active.


the only thing I can see in the system log and cron job activity emails is...


Cron Job: Starting Performing Client Status Sync

Cron Job: Done

it doesn't state which or how many accounts were changed.


it might be worthwhile checking your system logs to see if the cron job is trying to run the client status sync.

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Thanks again, Brian.


It's pretty clear from what you're saying that the cron isn't running properly on our site. When I search the Activity log for entries with "Cron" in them, I can see ones about invoices being created -- but nothing about client status.


So it looks like cron.php is running and doing *some* of the automation, but not everything.


I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this, either, given that cron.php is an encrypted file. . .

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  • WHMCS Support Manager



Please review Utilities > Logs > Activity Log and ensure you see a number of entries beginning "Cron Job" each day. The final entry every day should be "Cron Job: Completed".


* If you see no Cron Job entries at-all this means you have not configured your automation cron correctly, you must do this per our installation instructions. The relevant documentation can be found at http://docs.whmcs.com/Crons


* If you see some Cron Job entries but none after "Cron Job: Running Usage Stats Update" your cron is getting stuck at the Usage Stats Update stage. The most likely cause of this error is that you have an old server in Setup > Servers that is no longer available.


To resolve this, you should update or remove any inactive or offline servers from Setup > Servers so that they can all be connected to successfully. Or alternatively Update Usage Statistics can be disabled under Setup > Automation Settings.


* Finally, if you see some Cron Job entries but no "Cron Job: Completed" entry this suggests the cron is being terminated prematurely by your server. Please increase the memory_limit setting in your server's php.ini to 64M or 128MB which should easily be sufficient. Then see if things improve and you start getting the cron job report again over the next few days.


If the cron still doesn't complete with the increased memory limit please ensure display_errors is enabled in the server's PHP configuration and enable the Setup > General Settings > Other tab > Display Errors option, then run the cron manually by visiting the cron.php file in your browser. You should now see an error output to the screen. We have collected some of the most common errors and their causes, refer to the appropriate page in the following sections:





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