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Trying to re-size the Logo used on Home Page and other pages


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Hi everyone


I am new to this forum and also WHCMS. Also I am a Graphic Artist not a programmer, but I do have some idea how to edit scripts (such as .tpl pages).


I have installed a free template (myhost) and have been working on changing text, backgrounds, and now the logo.


I edited .... /myhost/homepage.tpl and also header.tpl (so far no problem). I have created a new Logo which is the same size as the WHCMS logo. BUT the old and new logo is very small on quite a large home page.


I re-sized my new logo to width: 270px x Height 71px but only part of the logo displays (now to big for the space). After reading through lots of suggestions from other people mostly trying to re-size their PDF logo, I modified the logo dimensions in ...myhost/style.css and myhost/resouces/css/style.css - but nothing changes.


I have cleaned out .../templates_c and again nothing changes.


If anyone can advise me where to look to increase the container space managing the main home page logo, and any other pages which display the new logo, I would really appreciate it.



(An aussie in Thailand)


PS The new template is slowly taking shape. Just too much stuff on the home page for my liking - but looks so much better than the default WHCMS template (Sorry WHCMS)

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Thanks for your reply (SWHMCS Staff). I am sorry I was not clearer with my original posted request.


I really really really need to enlarge the Logo because the default space (on both the Default WHCMS template and the My Host Template) is ridiculously small.


Please, please, please, can someone point me in the right direction to resize the space allowed for the Logo on all pages that use a site logo. I have tried everything I know, from resize the image file to change the dimensions in the CSS as well as the

TPL header file, and nothing works. All I see is 45% of my logo.



(An aussie in Thailand)

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Showing a page with the issue may help spot the problem (client area or admin?). It may be you're creating an image of the dimensions you want, but the CSS is using a sprite (a larger image, with display area defined) with a much larger image.

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bear's suggestion of a link or screenshot is a good one - it's difficult to help without seeing what you're seeing!


looking at the unaltered 'myhost' template, the only reference I can see to the logo is in "resources/css/style.css"


margin:7px 0 0 0;

#logo a{
background:url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat left top;

#logo a:hover{
background:url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat left top;

from a quick glance, the logo is floated left and the topmenu is floated right - so any reasonable logo size shouldn't be an issue - if it were me, i'd be tempted to rename logo.png to another filename to ensure it isn't being cached (or delete it and upload a renamed file)... but from the info you've given, my guess would be that this is a browser cache (not just templates_c) issue... perhaps try in a different browser.


alternatively, you could have deleted or altered something... but without seeing your site, we'd have no way of guessing.

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Gday bear and brian! sincere thanks for coming back to me.


Before I opened this thread, apart from searching Google, Bing and this forum, I actually tried to change the dimensions in the css file, and the result is what you see in the attached screen capture. I resized the logo from 207x51 to 225x75 and modified the stylesheet at the same time.


As I cant see anywhere here which allows me to upload a screen capture, I uploaded to my website here:

http://www.thehostserver.com/files/homepage.png (you can see where I am at using the domain URL, but adding index.php

Am I allowed to give you the site URL?


Again, genuine thanks for your time. I am close to tearing what hair I have left trying to get this resolved



An Aussie in Thailand

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i'm glad to help - i'm still tweaking my own template and I've learnt a lot from these forums...


as you say, the css uses similar code to above, but the logo image that is being called is actually 253 x 65 and that might explain why you're missing the bottom and right on the logo...




there is an old logo there too... (logo_bak.png) and that is 210 x 55, but is a month old.


my guess is that you've uploaded the resized logo to another directory - so either resize the css to the actual dimensions of the .png file, or resize the image to the css specified dimensions and upload to the above address... hopefully that will solve your logo issue.


also, you have a spare ']' showing on the homepage (to the right of the "we also provide" box) - you'll need to edit homepage.tpl to remove it..


<div class="sidebox1">

Edited by brian!
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i'm glad to help - i'm still tweaking my own template and I've learnt a lot from these forums...

<div class="sidebox1">


I always keep original files until I have finished changing things. As I am now a pensioner, I find it better to be careful (at least I can go back to what it was before I start playing with code again). Also I a graohic artist not a programmer so playing with code is always a slow process for me.


I do appreciate your taking time to look at the problem and making suggestions. As you no doubt saw, the site is still not live and is still a work in progress resolving the look and feel (sorry but thats the graphic art part of me speaking .. gotta look good, and be believable).


I will change the stylesheet rather than reduce the size of the logo. My first logo was sized to match the WHCMS logo which was ridiculously small. I added the new logo where ever I found the WHMCS Logo, and was guessing that the template would call the right logo regardless.


You wont believe but I have been trying to change my front end for a year now and tried lots of other systems that just didn't do it for me. The whole WHCMS package is very exciting and will allow me to sell domain names with hosting plans online, rather than the way I have been doing it (manually) for over 10 years.


Best wishes and again, genuine thanks for your time

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Hi Brian


Just to advise after resetting the logo size in the Stylesheet, it worked and the full logo is now visible.


Bizarre because I changed the stylesheet logo size and logo file size several times but nothing worked. (Oh yes.. I also cleaned the template_c file several times too, with each change, but nothing changed until now).


Whew. Now I can continue setting up.


Again, genuine thanks for your time. I will open a new thread if I have any new questions or requests for advice :o)

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