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Internal Server Error 500 when trying to create a new order


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Hey there :)


I am fairly new to WHMCS and have encountered my first major issue :S


Everything has been set up correctly and I have completed successfully orders from our Client Area using a Test Account and also from the back end using a real clients account.


I have had a new client who has created a new account with us and he has tried placing an order through the client area. When trying to 'check out' the order the system came to a stand still and after 4 mins reported a internal server 500 error.


I have submitted a ticket to WHMCS to get them to look at it, and they have requested my server logs which is attached below. But its been over 24 hours since they requested the log and I have heard nothing.


Is someone able to provide assistance. I need to get this clients domian up and running :)





myellow media


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i have the same problem!!! and it has only just started all of a sudden.

up until 2 days ago, customers could auto provision after payment.


now all of a sudden it times out with a 500 server error. and the customer is made to wait at least 4 minutes after submitting order to see that error.


soo frustrating.


what can i try?

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Was WHMCS working in its plain format?

Did this fail only once the amended tpl files were in place?


There have been a few threads reporting error 500 and amending the tpl files has been the usual cause


Therefore put the original tpl files back in place and compare

Replace one at a time to determine which is at fault


When I amend the tpl files I upload the replacement as name.tpl.txt

I then rename the original to nameORIG.tpl.txt

The replacement is then renamed to name.tpl

If there are two or more amendments then the ORIG is replaced with the date

That way if I need to roll back it is easier to process

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I have no idea what happened..the orders were fine for the first two days and the only thing that i have changed is the tpl files to intergate it to my site.
That would be the first place I'd look, whatever changed since it worked. Have you put the original tpl files back and cleared the templates_c cache then retested?
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Hi myellow_media,


I thought I would share what my host did for me.


As I stated earlier in the thread i had a similar issue with the same sort of error.


Ultimately the issue found related to a corrupt file found in php.


my host rebuilt php and i no longer get that particular error when auto provisioning.


interestingly enough I too was playing around with tpl files as i was working on a new template.

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