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Script in Ticket Subject?


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I believe I read this is the result of a hack that was patched with WHMCS 5.0.3 (which luckily I'm running). But I'm just wondering if I should be concerned and what the proper course of action would be? Delete ticket > ban IP > delete client?


Would it be helpful to anyone to have the IP this came from? Should I be sending WHMCS the code for analysis or is it all the same code for the hacking attempts?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I believe I read this is the result of a hack that was patched with WHMCS 5.0.3 (which luckily I'm running). But I'm just wondering if I should be concerned and what the proper course of action would be? Delete ticket > ban IP > delete client?


Would it be helpful to anyone to have the IP this came from? Should I be sending WHMCS the code for analysis or is it all the same code for the hacking attempts?


I patched when told to, I upgraded to the latest version, and still I am getting these base64 spam tickets. Can WHMCS weigh in please?

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the patch wont stop you from getting them, only from them being able to work


It is comforting to know but how do I prevent them? I have put in the appropriate spam filters, but to no avail. And if there is a way to limit ticket creation to registered customers, I cannot find it. Thanks

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