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Client account wiped out without any reason!!


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whmcs version 4.5.1 (was scheduled to do an update today 4.5.2).

suddenly all this happened. btw, i am just 2 week old to this whmcs system.


one of my client had got an account suspension notice while he had an active account that is due to expire in 11 months from now.


* his account is suspended at whmcs.

* his whm pacakge had destroyed from whm/cpanel. Not found even in the terminated terminated accounts.

* all files and email accounts, ftp accounts etc lost.


in automation settings at whmcs:

* automatic suspension is enabled at whmcs

* automatic termination is NOT Enabled (unchecked).

* action 'unsuspend'at whmcs produced an 'unknown error'


1. So why his account is destroyed at cpanel/whm while 'automatic termination' is NOT Enabled?"

2. while the account has 11 months to expire, why it is suspended?

3. why there is no reason for the suspension is given in the suspension notice?


suspension note sent :


Dear xxxx,


This is a notification that your service has now been suspended. The details of this suspension are below:


Product/Service: Business

Domain: xxxx.com

Amount: 1250.00 usd

Due Date: 22/07/2012

Suspension Reason:


Please contact us as soon as possible to get your service reactivated.


Thank You!


xxxx.com Customer Support

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Thanks mr.jhon for the reply.


here is the activity log during this period (ooch i never use this log activity function yet. grt to know this exisit!). Please note : "Email Sent to Mr.X (Service Suspension Notification)" . this is the suspension i am talking about :-P


25/07/2011 00:25

Module Create Successful - Service ID: 12


25/07/2011 00:06

Module Unsuspend Failed - Service ID: 12 - Error: An unknown error occured


25/07/2011 00:05

Module Unsuspend Failed - Service ID: 12 - Error: An unknown error occured


25/07/2011 00:05

Module Unsuspend Failed - Service ID: 12 - Error: An unknown error occured


25/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Daily Email Backup - Sent Successfully


25/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Backup Generation Completed


25/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Starting Backup Generation


25/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Completed


25/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Running Usage Stats Update for Server ID 1


25/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Sending Credit Card Expiry Notices


25/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Closing Inactive Support Tickets


25/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Performing Automated Cancellation Requests


25/07/2011 00:00

Email Sent to Mr.X (Service Suspension Notification)


25/07/2011 00:00

Module Terminate Successful - Service ID: 12


25/07/2011 00:00

ResellerClub Domain Sync Run


25/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Auto Terminating Fixed Term Service - Service ID: 12


25/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Performing Automated Fixed Term Product Terminations


25/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Performing Automated Suspensions


25/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Sending Domain Renewal Notices


25/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Sending Invoice Reminders


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again the same problem, he has sent another suspension notice now.




Dear mr.x


This is a notification that your service has now been suspended. The details of this suspension are below:


Product/Service: Business

Domain: xxxx.com

Amount: Rs4,950.00

Due Date: 22/07/2012

Suspension Reason:


Please contact us as soon as possible to get your service reactivated.


Thank You!


xxx.com Customer Support




activity log



26/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Starting Backup Generation


26/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Completed


26/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Running Usage Stats Update for Server ID 1


26/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Closing Inactive Support Tickets


26/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Performing Automated Cancellation Requests


26/07/2011 00:00

Email Sent to Mr.x (Service Suspension Notification)


26/07/2011 00:00

Module Terminate Successful - Service ID: 12


26/07/2011 00:00

ResellerClub Domain Sync Run


26/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Auto Terminating Fixed Term Service - Service ID: 12


26/07/2011 00:00

Cron Job: Performing Automated Fixed Term Product Terminations


Edited by kandyjet
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  striddy said:
Check your hosting product for "Auto Terminate/Fixed Term."


It is on the hosting products pricing tab.


yes, it says 3 days :|

so what i want to put in that? but the related client we talking has a pid annual recurring pacakge. not a free trail or demo :-P

pls advise.

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  striddy said:
Check your hosting product for "Auto Terminate/Fixed Term."


It is on the hosting products pricing tab.


i think my problem solved !!!!

yes, have 3 packages and in the package that related to this auto wipe out problem has set to 3 days "auto terminate/fixed term". now i set it to 0 and problem looked solved.

amazing other two packages already had it set to 0. how could this became 3 :roll: :roll:

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