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Using WHMCS for Support Only





I am in the process of researching different support solutions for my company, and my web hosting provider recommended WHMCS. Our needs are modest, and other solutions like Kayako are overkill.


I have a couple of questions:


1) Does anyone here just use WHMCS for support?


2) Is it possible to hide all unneeded functionality? My staff only needs to see the Support module.


3) Can we customize what is seen by default the Support home page?



Sean Mills


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You'd be hard pressed to find someone using WHMCS for just support.


You can hide most things, try the demo or request a trial and configure it to see if it will do what you're after.


You can customise the entire client area via templating.


I'd recommend looking at something like PerlDesk or another dedicate support system. You'll find that they will cater for common and likely scenarios that WHMCS doesn't. i.e. the automation of cc replies, bcc messages etc..

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