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I like many of you have customers who aren't the brightest, so they don't understand why they can't upload certain files (even though allowed file extensions are listed), can't figure out how to zip up a file that has an extension that isn't allowed so that they can upload the file (I have added just about every file extension under the sun), can't figure out why they can't upload a file with no extension, or don't understand why there can't be like 5 periods "." in the file name. So, the problem isn't that they're brainless, it's that I'm not doing enough on my end to "meet them where they are".


I know I can add custom fields to support departments, but I am wondering how to add custom text to a support department. As I would like to provide instructions on how to upload files for the not so sharp crayons in the bucket. I have looked around at the template files and can't find where I would add said text for a department either.


No luck on finding another thread about this either.


Anyone have any ideas?

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  • 2 years later...

Is there a way to allow all file types? I'm also using the support system for my design business and there are a lot of types that need to be supported. Since I'm using gmail to pull my mail from, spam is not an issue, I just want to make sure I receive all attachments..

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