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Error Code 84


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Error 84 back again


When adding orders throught the Admin system for domains blank screen error 84 then logged out of system!


This is driving me nuts , I have cleared the logs as before no difference


It does not matter if the order is set to active or pending!


The order appears in todays orders but no items are on the order?


Any help would be fantastic!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have the same error 84 on our side in the Admin area for when a domain is ordered at the same time of hosting...:(


When we come back to see what have happen, the order is in pending mode as it should be, domain was not added to the order and the domain name was missing the extension for hosting details.

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it's when you pick a period for the domain registration, that is not defined in your domains pricing

e.g .uk and 1year


a downside of the single page new order creation setup - it was simplified and sped up because of many comlaints about the speed o the other and claimed "we know what we're doing" ... turns out they all lied ;)

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Hi, I am getting this same error 84, when trying to manually add a domain (as per http://wiki.whmcs.com/Importing_Data#Manual_Existing_Domain_Entry ) to a customer, wether setting to register or transfer .. pending or active, (and yes my period matches pricing) .. when clicking "submit order" i get the error 84 page. then in orders I can see one has been created but it only has the clients details, not any domain details

Any help would be appreciated



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it's when you pick a period for the domain registration, that is not defined in your domains pricing


Thanks! That fixed it. I first noticed the problem last night and coincidentally enom's website went down for an "unexpected upgrade" (wonderful euphemism that) so I assumed it was related.


DarrenW - that's odd. I'm using Firefox too...no need to call yourself stupid for that! Haven't tried it on IE.

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Looks like the meaning of life - twice!


I had same problem with creating a manually added domain. I checked domain prices had period selected; selected transfer; then added some text to EPP code - this time it worked as expected.


It has raised a query for me though. If somebody tries to register a .co.uk domain then it has to be for a minimum of 2 years. Many people don't know that so they select 1 year from the dropdown. This will then generate code 84 and new customer thinks 'crappy site' I'll buy elsewhere. Or have I got that wrong?





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It has raised a query for me though. If somebody tries to register a .co.uk domain then it has to be for a minimum of 2 years. Many people don't know that so they select 1 year from the dropdown. This will then generate code 84 and new customer thinks 'crappy site' I'll buy elsewhere. Or have I got that wrong?


The simple fix would be to not have "1 year" specified in the list of prices.


I take exception to the 'User Error' though Matt. If you've not specified a price for a certain number of years, surely the option should not be given by the system in the cart or in the admin order page?


'Error code 84' is far from explanatory too.

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Many people don't know that so they select 1 year from the dropdown. This will then generate code 84 and new customer thinks 'crappy site' I'll buy elsewhere

. Or have I got that wrong?


*customers* dont use the quick-form admin order system, so wont get the error or selection of years problem.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i have exactly the same issue i have .com and .co.uk set up in domain pricing correctly


1 year and 2 year prices for .com

only 2 year price for .co.uk


I go to make order in admin area for .co.uk 2 years registration, billing cycle 2 years and i get error 84! the annoying thing is that the order is created then you are looged out so you have to delete the order and try again i have so far had to delete 20 orders today becuase of this error and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

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