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Are Addons or Config. Options "automated"?


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When a client selects an addon -or- a configurable option (assuming config. options can be added from within the client area), is the information passed to the server and set up for the client automatically, or is just the billing part handled, leaving the actual adding on of the product, service or option a manual task? (my servers are cpanel)



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No, I don't think you've missed the question :)


I can understand having to process an SSL cert order manually, but in the current system that I am moving away from, if a client is running low on disk space he can add a diskspace addon to his/her account and the disk space is adjusted on the server as well as the charge being applied.


I can see where WHMCS applies the billed amount, but can not see where the disk space actually gets applied to the account on the server. (same thing for bandwidth usage).


Most of my clients have disk space add-ons in our old system and the adding of just a disk space package or adding of extra bandwidth is done frequently. There are also other "add-on" products that the client can add to the account from his control panel such as an upsell feature, like extra databases for example. They are added real time and billed for that evening without me having to go in and make any adjustments to the account.


Many hosts such as myself that have moved or are in the process of moving from the Alabanza "platform" use a similar business model, and I am sure there must be many non-Alabanza hosts who do this too, and I am having a difficult time trying to understand if WHMCS can be made to accommodate this without so much manual intervention.


Getting the billing system set up to account for what my clients already have added to their accounts is one thing, but making the system actually work that way to keep in suit with the way I have handled my business model for the last 10 years seems to be another story.


I know the Config. Options add on mod can be purchased but this ONLY works for new accounts/clients, and does not work for current clients. Won't solve things for me unless it can be adjusted to work for current clients.


So, (getting close to begging here) if there is a way to allow a current client to purchase additional disk space, bandwidth, databases, etc., would someone please be kind enough to explain in detail what I need to do to accomplish this?


If it is "not" possible to do (yet) I am hoping that there would be enough response from other hosts to warrant this type of adjustment or new feature for WHMCS to provide us with this flexibility. (HINT HINT and PLEASE!!)




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I am with you.... moving from alabanza platform this is how we handle our business:


we sell a package to a client with xyz resources.

client ourgrows one aspect, can upgrade that one aspect (bandwidth, disk space, email accounts)

so the client orders an "add on" for that particular resource


this way we make more money then simply giving them a gazillion resources from the start for $1.99.


The idea of upselling bits and pieces is exactly what we are looking for as well. Of course they can upgrade thier entire package to the next larger, but to sell just a few more email accounts for a few bucks more or something will increase your profit margin.


Most hosts here seem to not work that way... although it is possible to create the addons in WHMCS they do not actually ADD ON in cpanel.


I am not that familiar with cpanel yet.... can we create an add on in cpanel and apply it to an account? or is the onoly way to manually edit that clients package to add resources?


But yes I agree, I would like to see addons applied automatcially.

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So far, I do not see a way in cpanel to create a separate item to add to the account, you need to adjust the users account. If it is an item "other than" disk space or bandwidth, database, etc., you have to create a new feature list for that user and apply it to their account in place of the one that would currently be there.


From what I can see so far in WHMCS, it only handles the billing end of things for additional items and you have to manually make the adjustment in Cpanel per the above.


I hope that helps answer your question (if not let me know), and hope that someone sees the need for this type of feature!

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I think the "Configurable Hosting Package Addon" is kind of what you are looking for... Check it out at http://whmcs.com/configurablepackageaddon.php


Sorry but No, that is not what we are looking for. That Addon mod will only work for NEW hosting orders for the client to pick and choose what they want. It does not work for customers that you already have who just need to add disk space, bandwidth, databases, etc. on to their current hosting plan.

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Sorry but No, that is not what we are looking for. That Addon mod will only work for NEW hosting orders for the client to pick and choose what they want. It does not work for customers that you already have who just need to add disk space, bandwidth, databases, etc. on to their current hosting plan.


hhmmm... I didn't read all the way through that, only the quick blurb. I assumed that if it would create the package for new customers, it would allow them to modify it later.


You should be able to make an API call via action hook to add the necessary space/bandwidth on. There would be some coding involved though.


If you need right now, it might be something that you would want to get a quote for a custom mode on.

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I can certainly work around the issue for now, but what I would like is to see this functionality added as a feature to enhance WHMCS. This would not only benefit me and the other users who have already posted here in agreement (and for those who are a bit shy), but it would also be a valuable enhancement to an already very cool application which would lure other hosts to using WHMCS as well ... a plus for everyone :)

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I agree with Terri. I too have moved from Alabanza recently, and I'm in the process of configuring my WHMCS. I have been "upselling" to my clients for over 8 years that I was with Alabanza and would like to continue with this business model.


If this can be incorporated in a future release of WHMCS, it would make our ex-alabanza hosters lives much easier.

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Adding another vote for this, and seconding (thirding) the notion that it be placed in feature requests. We manage several thousand ex-Alabanza accounts and while WHMCS does a great many things better than the old DSM, this is one area where we've had to take a step backwards in terms of automation.


Matt, if you're reading this - you've already seen an influx of Ala-"refugees" and there will be more. I have personally recommended WHMCS (as have others) on the leading (only) Alabanza-host bulletin board, so the more you can make the transition easier the more sales you will undoubtedly make. Not to mention this is something that will benefit all.

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Thank you shpilkus :)

Though I'm getting the impression that Matt isn't seeing this and/or folks just don't understand the importance of it.


If any of the WHMCS staff, or Matt, would please review and respond that would be terrific! As noted in the other posts on this topic, this would certainly be a big plus for all, not just Alabanza refugees!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too would like to see this handled automatically.


The way it's handled now you basically have to create a new package in WHMCS to accomodate it or through your reseller account in CPanel and then upgrade the current package to that new package.


It would be nice if WHMCS stored these additions within the package to a variable associated with CPanel (or other panels for that matter) variables and then all you could "Force Custom Upgrade" based on these stored variables to upgrade it to a custom package in WHM through WHMCS instead of having to do it all manually.


An API call would be substantially quicker and easier.


Just my 2 cents.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Folks! Now if I could just get a moderator to move this thread over to the feature request area.... I suppose a new thread over there will just need to be started.


I've already got clients who are wondering why an added item isn't "automatic" anymore like they are used to having.

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  • 5 months later...
True, but a billing software that can handle account creations / deletions / upgrades / etc should be able to automate a lot of things :)


YES!! My point exactly!! So why can't it handle adding on a disk space upgrade, or a bandwidth upgrade, or additional email accounts automatically? If only someone would listen and understand...

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