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Auto accept order, account creation


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A client has just signed up and here is what happened:


1) Payment received

2) Account is created on server automatically

3) Pending Orders is at 1 now

4) I have to manually accept the order (even though the account has been created already)

5) Pending Services is at 1 now

6) I have to manually set the service to active (even though the account has been created already)

7) Email log shows the welcome email was never sent out, so I have to manually send it


Under Configuration > Products/Services i have the following radio option chosen:

Automatically create the account as soon as the first payment is received


So my question is: why is the order still pending if payment has already been received and the account has been created oh the cpanel server?



Thanks for recommendations and suggestions

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For autosetups, there is no need for the cron. When an order is paid it shoots out a call to setup the service. But as for the order, it will be under "Pending" status than you get to review them and just set itself as active. But infact the order is already completed and the services are already setup, its more of a review. Maybe someone else can explain it better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does the 'new account information' get sent out automatically by email to customer? I can only send this out manually, with all these tasks to create an account you can forget to send out emails to customers. Its not truly automated, in MB I just clear a customers invoice and let the system do the rest.


Will WHMCS auto-suspend an account and send out the suspension notification? what about auto-termination will system send an email to say account has been terminated?


I really want to make the move from MB to WHMCS but I feel there is some restrictions in the automated department for now.

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Yes, it is truly automated and will be sent automatically when the account setup completes successfully.


Likewise, when it auto suspends for non payment it will send send a notification.



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Yes, it is truly automated and will be sent automatically when the account setup completes successfully.


Likewise, when it auto suspends for non payment it will send send a notification.




Thats what Im looking for Matt, and what about terminating the account if its not automated will I be notified that an account needs terminated after xx days?

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  • 8 months later...



If I understand this correctly are you saying then that the Active to Pending status should be automatic?? If I wait and a cron job runs will it automatically put that service purchased from Pending to Active or do I have to manually accept each and every order?


I know everything is setup when the order is paid but trying to avoid having to changed the status from pending to active on every order.



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you have to manually "accept" an order for it to show as active, or add a cron job to change the status yourself


the order not being "activated" does not stop the automation in terms of account creations etc, if you set the config up correctly, simply acts as another level of checking so you know whats going on with your system

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate to bring back a possible dead horse here, but this is a problem if you are allowing customers to download a product upon purchase of a product.


I have it setup where once you purchase you can download a particular product. However this is not the case. The way it works now is:


Customers buys product

License created

Customer views product

Customer clicks license downloadable file is shown

Customer clicks download and gets a error saying they must purchase a associated product before they can download.


Now once I accept the order they can download the product. The product should be downloadable right after paid if it is setup that way which it is in my system. But they cannot until I manually accept the order.


Unless someone can tell me something I am missing.




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The product is a free product well trial. I have tested it as both free customer will not be charged and as a one time fee of $0.00 and neither setting allows for download until I accept the order manually.


Yes I have 'Automatically create the account as soon as the first payment is received' selected in the module.


You can test it by going here: http://www.idealws.com/billing/cart.php?a=add&pid=27

and ordering the trial and trying to download.


Thanks in advance for teh help.




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Ok 2 things if the product is free

1. make sure that the one time and all the prices say 0.00

2. In server modules change setting to "Automatically create the account as soon as an order is placed"


I have done a little mod to allow a direct download from the products page (as long as its not using the licensing) which saves having lots of fake customers that puts anything in to signup just to get the download.

Edited by sparky
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Ok setting it to create the account right away without payment worked thanks.


However is this going to be the issue when someone pays for the product as well?


I havent tested but I am guessing it will be a issue.


Thanks for the help.




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No it won't be an issue... for the paid one use the "Automatically create the account as soon as the first payment is received"

Not sure whether its really a bug but if the product is free the "payment recieved" option shouldn't be available to select. If you have a price in the one time or monthly other than 0.00 (both the same field in the DB anyway) then you will have the same problem with the download.


PS. Thanks for your 15 day trial mod. It works well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I may be able to better describe the issue this person is experiencing as I am experiencing something similiar.


1) New client signs up.

2) Welcome Email sent pertaining to the WHMCS account created while ordering hosting account.

3) Account Created on Server

4) Account Shows In Pending On Top Under "Pending Orders"

5) You log in and accept order

6) Account now shows/still shows under "Pending Services"

7) You now go into there and select the drop down list to place in Active mode.

8) You then (at least for me) Need to manually send the welcome email for Cpanel by selecting it from the drop down list on this screen. Otherwise client is not receiving.


In past verisions (using 3.7 now) it was accept the order and nothing else to do. The automated system sent welcome email for user/pass not only on WHMCS sign up but also the hosting account user name/pass, FTP Info, DNS info, etc.


Hope this makes sense and looking for any suggestions you may have.

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  • 4 months later...

I hate to kick a dead horse here...


BUT... This is STILL a Problem. So I'm hoping to revive this thread.

I find it interesting that even months later no one has addressed this

issue. I'm having the same problem in Version 3.8.1.


I understand that the accounts are setup and accessible even w/o

us having to change the "Pending" status as long as we have it setup

to "Automatically create the account as soon as an order is placed".

Although, if this was truly automated we wouldn't have to Activate

accounts and change the pending status.


But I understand the reasoning behind having that extra check in

there too.


What I don't understand is why isn't the most important account

information email being sent automatically?


The "Hosting Account Welcome Email" which has all the DNS info

and IP address(es), ftp info, temp login info, etc. is NOT being

sent automatically. We are having to Manually send those. So

the hosting accounts still aren't really usable for our clients until

we Manually send them the "Hosting Account Welcome Email".


Surely there is a way to automate the sending of this email.

I mean aside from copy/pasting it into one of the other templates

that are getting sent.


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.



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