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Better options for managing available TLDs in WHMCS?


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I am interesting in figuring out how to do the following. Right now, it appears to only be possible manually, and well, it's a big PITA.


1.) Remove ALL available TLDs. Right now hundreds of TLDs are imported and many of them we can not legally sell or are TLDs that are managed by registries like Radix or XYZ which are horrible registries and deserve no money. The process to remove these any many ccTLDs is very time consuming, as each one has to be removed one by one, with the page reloading between each adjustment. There is no option to simply checkmark multiple TLDs for removal.

2.) How can we disable multiple year domain registrations. The problem is, many domains have a special first year price. If a customer orders a domain for 5 years, it's 5x the first year price even if years 2, 3, 4 and 5 are much higher. This is very problematic and a real pain, as such, we can not allow automated domain registrations as customers will take advantage of this flaw and we lose money on the very low margin domain sales.

3.) In fact, is it possible to just simply remove ALL available TLDs at once? Then re-add only the ones we want? This may be easier than figuring out how to do number 1 or 2 above.

The domain / TLD management in WHMCS is very poor as it is, and it makes it very difficult to operate any sort of serious business that sells a lot of domain names like we do.

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On 1/14/2025 at 9:17 AM, RMBLR said:

1.) Remove ALL available TLDs. Right now hundreds of TLDs are imported and many of them we can not legally sell or are TLDs that are managed by registries like Radix or XYZ which are horrible registries and deserve no money. The process to remove these any many ccTLDs is very time consuming, as each one has to be removed one by one, with the page reloading between each adjustment. There is no option to simply checkmark multiple TLDs for removal.


To remove ALL available TLDs, you should empty the corresponding database table

On 1/14/2025 at 9:17 AM, RMBLR said:

2.) How can we disable multiple year domain registrations. The problem is, many domains have a special first year price. If a customer orders a domain for 5 years, it's 5x the first year price even if years 2, 3, 4 and 5 are much higher. This is very problematic and a real pain, as such, we can not allow automated domain registrations as customers will take advantage of this flaw and we lose money on the very low margin domain sales.

My understanding of domain pricing doesn't involve any multiplier. Your domain pricing should include unique pricing per registration period. Not only is this the native behavior, but sounds like it prevents the very issue you describe.

On 1/14/2025 at 9:17 AM, RMBLR said:

3.) In fact, is it possible to just simply remove ALL available TLDs at once? Then re-add only the ones we want? This may be easier than figuring out how to do number 1 or 2 above.


Reference first answer.

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On 1/15/2025 at 3:52 PM, WHMCS Solution said:

Yes there is no option to Delete multiple tld at a Time But this can be possible through Database directly 

So, the tbldomainpricing table in the WHMCS DB.

Via phpmyadmin, can just "Check All", then "Delete" safely?

Then simply re-import the few dozen or so supported TLDs into WHMCS via https://whmcs-admin-url/utilities/tools/tldsync/import ?

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Just now, WHMCS Solution said:

Yes but if you have added price for same, that records delete first then delete records from this table

Sorry, I don't understand.

Is the pricing not also part of the "tbldomainpricing" table? So I can't just, for example, delete the rows that have the TLDs I don't want and be okay? Or are you saying that if I delete, for example, the row with .com and then try to reimport .com later I will have some sort of conflict?

I'm very surprised there isn't a simple, straight forward way to do this from WHMCS directly, especially since they push so many domain registrar and reseller options on end users.

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Additionally, this option won't impact customers who already have active domains with us, correct? We have many many domains sold, so if I mass remove all TLDs from the DB and reimport the ones we can or want to sell, it won't impact customers who have already purchased a .com, .net, etc since we'd obviously import those back.

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Just now, WHMCS Solution said:


Price is there in tblpricing table with relation (there you have product price too) so you need to delete only tld price. 

I see no such option, no area where pricing is shown...


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Oh, so the domain pricing isn't in "tbldomainpricing", like one may assume. That table only lists TLDs, despite "pricing" in the name.

Domain pricing is set in table "tblpricing", which has over 3,000 rows.

This is too much of a mess and headache. I'm not going to sort through two different DB tables, try to mass delete corresponding data, because I can't do it properly through the WHMCS UI unless I select one TLD at a time, delete, let the page reload, then repeat the process 400+ times.

Is this literally the only way? Someone make a module and I'll throw money at you because this is a giant pain. I'm still shocked that there is no straight forward method to do something like this.

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Not comfortable giving an unknown 3rd party access to such a thing, sorry.

I'll just continue to curse WHMCS for having such a shoddy system for managing domains despite the fact they really try to push those 3rd party registrar integrations on users. Guess I'll either set aside some time to do this one by one via the admin area, of which it'll take hours considering there are over 400 imported TLDs or just buy [some-other-software] and use it for domains specifically and eventually migrate to it once we get our custom modules for other things ported over.

Have about 2,000+ domains registered for customers and every other day or so I'm manually having to remove one or two TLDs from the list that they see and purchase that we can't support or process, and refund them. It's a giant PITA and all WHMCS support told us to do was to do it manually from the database with no further instruction. We pay $150/mo+ for a license and can't even get a simple task like removing more than one TLD at a time completed.



EDIT: Guess I'm not allowed to mention any competitor billing software but strangers can PM me and ask me for database access.

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20 minutes ago, RMBLR said:

Guess I'm not allowed to mention any competitor billing software

Others have done so. Were you told not to or censored in some way?


but strangers can PM me and ask me for database access.

Loads of those "helpful" folks on forums. Even if I were desperate, no thanks. 

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10 minutes ago, bear said:

Others have done so. Were you told not to or censored in some way?

Loads of those "helpful" folks on forums. Even if I were desperate, no thanks. 

My post was pending moderator review. I think it was because there was the keyword, "H***bill" in it (I added the censor to this myself right now).

Just venting, frustrated. Will spend hours doing this manually some other time via the admin area. It's still not clear to me why tbldomainpricing doesn't actually have the pricing for domains, only the TLD list, and why tblpricing has the domain pricing in it, somewhere, in the thousands of available rows. I'm not entirely certain what the consequences would be of deleting the TLD from tbldomainpricing and reimporting it, assuming the pricing for the previously deleted TLD already exists in tblpricing. Don't care to find out. 😀

I'm not comfortable enough with poking around the DB or creating custom queries to complete this task and stand by my statements that I shouldn't have to. 😉

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