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OAuth2 Integration


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I'm integrating a platform with our WHMCS and they require SSO integration via OAuth2 3-Legged Flow.

  • The platform requests services and each service requests a SSO connection with WHMCS, by providing an Entry URL, a Logout URL and OAuth configuration (Logout/Redirect URL) and generates Client ID and Secret.
  • From their documentation I got Authorization URL, Token URL, Logout/End Session URL, Client ID, Client Secret (from product settings).
  • From what I see I need to serve their platform as the Identity Provider and WHMCS as the Client that gives access to WHMCS for each platform client.
  • On our custom module for this integration, implemented league/oauth-client (I am on v7.10) and created files as this guide suggests to.
  • I tried using their configuration by triggering their Authorization URL, but I get the approve page and connection is not established. It's probably wrong as it needs to be the other way.
  • I created OpenID credentials from WHMCS and trigger WHMCS Authorization URL along with the other options and by providing /clientarea.php or module/addonname/oauth2/authorize.php as Redirect URL. When I try to trigger the connection from the third-party platform, I'm getting a login page (for WHMCS) and when I provide the user credentials, I am redirecting to the clientarea.php with code/state values, but not connected.
  • I tried /oauth/authorize.php from this guide and I'm redirecting to /oauth/clientarea.php with 404 error.

Any suggestions to follow the correct approach on this ?

I want to create the SSO/Oauth2 connection with the third-party platform and be able to connect as Client to WHMCS when a client clicks on the service's URL from the other platform.

Thank you in advance.

Edited by pRieStaKos
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  • 2 years later...

@bear Thanks for your response.

I have seen but it's not working as expected.

When I install Auth0 PHP SDK it crashes the WHMCS app with following error.



[Wed Jun 12 19:39:30.707018 2024] [php:error] [pid 1358623] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class "WHMCS\\Utility\\ErrorManagement" not found in /var/www/html/whmcs/init.php:0\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/whmcs/index.php(0): unknown()\n#1 {main}\n  thrown in /var/www/html/whmcs/init.php on line 0

I have installed Auth0 PHP SDK on WHMCS root directory using composer as follows



composer require auth0/auth0-php

If you have implemented  SSO then can you please share some sample code how to implement this


Thanks in advance.

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