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Tried to update 8.1.0 to 8.1.1 now have oops error

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I FTP into my site, saw there was an Install folder, ran the install via URL,


I got this message

Upgrade Your Installation

We have detected that you are already running WHMCS Version 8.1.1.

This installer script can only upgrade as far as 8.1.1 so there is no update to perform.


Unfortunatrly I still have the ooops Error,



[2021-02-10T16:44:49.807889-05:00][WHMCS Installer] DEBUG: Installer bootstrapped []
[2021-02-10T16:44:54.253216-05:00][WHMCS Installer] DEBUG: Installer bootstrapped []
[2021-02-10T16:44:54.301445-05:00][WHMCS Installer] INFO: Previous install detected []
[2021-02-10T16:44:54.301922-05:00][WHMCS Installer] DEBUG: An upgrade from 8.1.0-release.1 to 8.1.1-release.1 will be attempted. []
[2021-02-10T16:45:08.770037-05:00][WHMCS Installer] DEBUG: Installer bootstrapped []
[2021-02-10T16:45:08.811437-05:00][WHMCS Installer] INFO: Applying incremental updates to existing installation []
[2021-02-10T16:45:08.837498-05:00][WHMCS Installer] INFO: Applying Updates for 8.1.1-release.1 []
[2021-02-10T16:45:08.858187-05:00][WHMCS Installer] INFO: Removing any obsolete file and directories []
[2021-02-10T16:45:08.918502-05:00][WHMCS Installer] INFO: Upgrade process completed. []
[2021-02-10T16:45:26.706120-05:00][WHMCS Installer] DEBUG: Installer bootstrapped []
[2021-02-10T16:45:26.746312-05:00][WHMCS Installer] INFO: Applying incremental updates to existing installation []
[2021-02-10T16:45:26.814939-05:00][WHMCS Installer] INFO: Upgrade process completed. []
[2021-02-10T16:46:06.947753-05:00][WHMCS Installer] DEBUG: Installer bootstrapped []
[2021-02-10T16:46:10.364912-05:00][WHMCS Installer] DEBUG: Installer bootstrapped []
[2021-02-10T16:46:10.412800-05:00][WHMCS Installer] INFO: Previous install detected []
[2021-02-10T16:46:10.413346-05:00][WHMCS Installer] DEBUG: Installation is already up to date []


Edited by Stuart Newton
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  • WHMCS Support Manager

Hi @Stuart Newton,

Those logs indicate the update process completed successfully.  So the /install directory can be removed.

To troubleshoot the Oops error without admin area access, please follow these steps: https://help.whmcs.com/m/v80/l/1301352-troubleshooting-a-blank-page-oops-error-message#via-the-configuration-file

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I have managed to log into the database and enabled display errors in PHPmyAdmin,

Also added to to config file

$templates_compiledir = '/home/aberoesa/whmcsdata/templates_c/';
$attachments_dir = "/home/aberoesa/whmcsdata/attachments/";
$downloads_dir = "/home/aberoesa/whmcsdata/downloads/";
$customadminpath = "secure_area";
$mysql_charset = 'utf8';
$display_errors = "true";


But I still get the oooops error, with no error message



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