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Open new ticket


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Dear All,

Currently when we try to open new ticket for client, we will choose the dropdown list under Department (however currently is sales and support)

In regardless, I have changed in Setup -> Staff Management -> Administrator Roles / Administrator User , or Setup -> Support -> support Departments, all I have added billing team.

However billing is not reflected in the dropdown list under Department for Opening New Ticket. Ay advise how to allow a billing department to open new ticket to client?

Thank you

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6 hours ago, pikerr said:

Not sure if you are referring to this 

and I assume you are logged in the admin area as roy ?

if so, it might be worth taking a look at the tbladmins db table and checking the dept id values in the supportdepts column for 'roy' and ensuring that the dept id for Billing is in there...

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Dear Brian

I have check, role id tally however I spotted there is supportdepts which indicate (1 to 5) 

not sure if this is meant for sales, support, billing and IT security?

For Roy is 3 -> meant for billing? how do I check what does the number stand for which department?


Thank you




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11 hours ago, pikerr said:

how do I check what does the number stand for which department?

there are a few ways - if you want to do it by looking at a database table, you could look at the tblticketdepartments table and those values in tbladmins->supportdepts will be the id values in tblticketdepartments... for example, in my dev, the support departments are:


1 -> Support, 2-> Sales, 3 -> Billing and 4-> Affiliates.

if you wanted to check the departments in the admin area, you could go to setup -> -> support -> support departments.. choose the billing department (by clicking its edit button) and the resulting URL should give you the department id...


... where X will be the id of the department.

so from your screenshots, if you say Roy is assigned to 3, then it must be Billing - but either of the above methods should confirm that... I think on your site, the depts should be...

  1. Support
  2. Sales
  3. Billing
  4. (Client Only)

so that means the Full Admin should see Sales, Support & Dept 5 (which possibly no longer exists) in that order - this would tally with your first screenshot where Billing was missing; the sales operators(?) should see Sales & Dept 4 and Roy should only see Billing.

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6 hours ago, pikerr said:

but whenever create new ticket,  the Department drop down list will only reflect Support and sales.

are you 100% sure that you are logged in as Roy... because if you are, you shouldn't be seeing support & sales, only billing.... but if you're logged in as the full admin, you will see support & sales, but not billing.

log out of the admin area and try logging in as Roy. 🙂

6 hours ago, pikerr said:

Is there anyway to add billing ?

not easily... the dropdown list is generated from the departments assigned to the current admin.... i'm hoping this is as simple as you being logged in as the wrong admin, but if it's not, you might need to let Support inspect the settings. 😲

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