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Enforcing Domain Recurring Amount

Evolve Web Hosting

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I've just seen that when a customer renews their domain through the client area (before their renewal invoice is generated), WHMCS does not force the Recurring Amount (seen on the admin side in their profile) to be charged. Instead, WHMCS charges them the rate setup under Setup > Products > Domain Pricing as if it's a brand new order.

Is there a hook or another work around to make sure clients are always charged their Recurring Amount shown in their profile area?

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I'm not entirely sure because we aren't using the free domain feature though I would think if you had it setup to 'free domain' for first term, WHMCS should already have the recurring amount changed from free to the correct dollar amount. Is that not how it works?

I think the underlying issue is that WHMCS treats this as a 'new order' when a customer renews ahead of time and therefore applies the pricing found under Setup > Products > Domain Pricing

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  On 10/21/2018 at 3:12 PM, EvolveWebHosting said:

I think the underlying issue is that WHMCS treats this as a 'new order' when a customer renews ahead of time and therefore applies the pricing found under Setup > Products > Domain Pricing


in one way, there is a semi-logic to how WHMCS handles early renewals... in that, using default domain pricing is easier as you have already defined prices for which years you want to renew for... i'm inclined to look at it the other way and consider the domain renewal feature to have multiple bugs... using default pricing instead of existing recurring price being one - though if WHMCS used recurring price, you'd then need a mechanism to define which years were renewable for (unless you just took those priced years from default pricing); the fact that when the user is in a client group and has their own domain pricing slab, and this feature doesn't use those prices, is either a bug or lazy development/testing... the fact that you can manually renew a domain once a renewal invoice has already been generated is stupid... if a domain is zero priced, then you could just exclude it from manual renewing. WHMCS know about these bugs (they've been brought up in many times and they've read/replied to the threads), I think users are just waiting for them to be fixed by WHMCS rather than having to fix them themselves.

it will be interesting to see if this is addressed in v7.7 (recently announced in the blog) - no doubt there will be a beta soon, but I wouldn't put money on this feature being fixed.


Over the coming weeks we'll begin sharing news on what you can expect to see in 7.7. Exciting times ahead!


the days when I get "excited" about a new release are long gone - and the sooner we get away from v7 and onto v8, the better!

  On 10/21/2018 at 2:14 PM, EvolveWebHosting said:

Is there a hook or another work around to make sure clients are always charged their Recurring Amount shown in their profile area?


none that i've seen published - I doubt if OrderDomainPricingOverride can be used for this, and ClientAreaPageCart might not be sufficient.

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@brian! I would agree that there are bugs with it, although it's much better than some of the other competitors out there. I can make a feature request but I'm not sure that would do any good to get WHMCS to address this and make changes to the logic. In the meantime, I'll keep brainstorming ways to handle this internally. I appreciate your feedback, as always.

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  On 10/22/2018 at 4:23 PM, EvolveWebHosting said:

I can make a feature request but I'm not sure that would do any good to get WHMCS to address this and make changes to the logic.


at this stage, i'd suggesting holding off - assuming v7.7 has a beta (and it should have to), mention this in the beta community then... during a beta, there's a greater likelihood of the developers coming here and responding... of course, once you hit a beta, WHMCS have pretty much made up their mind what's going in it and little changes from the initial beta (except around the edges)... but there'd be no guarantees that a request with 50+ votes would be introduced in v7.7 anyway!

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