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Maxmind Report on Fraud Orders (missing)?


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I love this product.....(I'll be posting a personal testimonial shortly Matt), since moving from MB.


One thing bugs me though and maybe I'm missing something:


When a customer places an order and I check it in 'PENDING ORDERS', I get detail about the order being 'low risk' or 'high risk' because........


Which is great.


However, when maxmind classifies an order as FRAUD and cancels the invoice, when I look at FRAUD ORDERS there is no explanation as to why.


So I have to log into maxmind to view the logs there.


Is that not a bit strange? If the information can be passed from maxmind to the pending orders, why not display the same information to the fraud order?



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I would say this is the case for about 70% of the fraud orders we get. Maybe I have things configured differently than you, but our fraud orders never seem to show as "pending". They're flagged as fraud, but like I said, only about 30% of them actually show the detailed Maxmind results. The rest just say Fraud, i.e. there are no "Fraud Check Results" displayed, just a status of "Fraud" in the top section of the order. The reason for this was explained once (or probably multiple times) by Matt, but I forget what it was. It's annoying having to look up the logs and the Maxmind website/interface is not the greatest, but I can usually judge by looking at the fraud order if it's worth my time to even look at the Maxmind logs to verify. What I'd like to know is how or if it's possible to display the phone verification results in the fraud check results somewhere so it's clear whether or not the buyer was successfully phone verified or not.

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However, when maxmind classifies an order as FRAUD and cancels the invoice, when I look at FRAUD ORDERS there is no explanation as to why.


So I have to log into maxmind to view the logs there.


Is that not a bit strange?


If you loog at the log you'll see that in many fraud order cases it never comes back from the maxmind call - possibly due to the client not going through with the telephone checks etc. So there's nothing to "post-back" to WHMCS


We've found that firewalling out pretty much everywhere that English is not the primary language, and settings of 1.9 and 4.5 have pretty much killed the regular/daily fraud attempts, just that teh maxmind phone bill keeps going up :(

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--------------------- What I'd like to know is how or if it's possible to display the phone verification results in the fraud check results somewhere so it's clear whether or not the buyer was successfully phone verified or not.


I second that. That would be really good to know



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