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Admin widget to show clients who view invoice page



Hi there.

I'm not a coder, but I'd like to change the Client Activity widget to list only clients who actually viewed the invoice page. How do I go about doing that? Can somebody shed a light?

TIA for any help!

Here's the original widget code:


namespace WHMCS\Module\Widget;

use Carbon\Carbon;
use WHMCS\Module\AbstractWidget;
use WHMCS\User\Client;

 * Client Activity Widget.
 * @copyright Copyright (c) WHMCS Limited 2005-2016
 * @license http://www.whmcs.com/license/ WHMCS Eula
class ClientActivity extends AbstractWidget
    protected $title = 'Client Activity';
    protected $description = 'Recent online clients.';
    protected $weight = 70;
    protected $cache = false;
    protected $cacheExpiry = 300;
    protected $requiredPermission = 'List Clients';

    public function getData()
        return array(
            'activeCount' => (int) Client::where('status', '=', 'Active')->count(),
            'onlineCount' => (int) Client::where('lastlogin', '>', Carbon::now()->subHour()->toDateTimeString())->count(),
            'recentActiveClients' => Client::orderBy('lastlogin', 'desc')->limit(5)
                ->get(array('id', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'companyname', 'ip', 'lastlogin'))->toArray(),

    public function generateOutput($data)
        $activeClients = number_format((int) $data['activeCount']);
        $usersOnline = number_format((int) $data['onlineCount']);

        $clients = array();
        foreach ($data['recentActiveClients'] as $client) {
            // If there is no lastlogin setting, or its been set to a timestamp like 0000-00-00, we show N/A
            $clientLastLogin = (empty($client['lastlogin']) || strpos($client['lastlogin'], '0000') === 0) ? "N/A" : Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $client['lastlogin'])->diffForHumans();
            $clients[] = '<div class="client">
        <div class="last-login">' . $clientLastLogin . '</div>
        <a href="clientssummary.php?userid=' . $client['id'] . '" class="link">'
            . $client['firstname'] . ' ' . $client['lastname'] . ($client['companyname'] ? ' ('
                . $client['companyname'] . ')' : '') . '</a>
        <a href="http://www.geoiptool.com/en/?IP=' . $client['ip'] . '" target="_blank" class="ip-address">' . $client['ip'] . '</a>
        $clientOutput = implode($clients);

        return <<<EOF

<div class="icon-stats">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-sm-6">
            <div class="item">
                <div class="icon-holder text-center color-pink">
                    <a href="clients.php?status=Active">
                        <i class="pe-7s-user"></i>
                <div class="data">
                    <div class="note">
                        <a href="clients.php?status=Active">Active Clients</a>
                    <div class="number">
                        <a href="clients.php?status=Active">
                            <span class="color-pink">{$activeClients}</span>
                            <span class="unit">Active</span>
        <div class="col-sm-6">
            <div class="item">
                <div class="icon-holder text-center color-green">
                    <i class="pe-7s-smile"></i>
                <div class="data">
                    <div class="note">
                        Users Online
                    <div class="number">
                        <span class="color-green">{$usersOnline}</span>
                        <span class="unit">Last Hour</span>

<div class="clients-list">


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4 answers to this question

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On 12/23/2017 at 19:37, Patty said:

I'm not a coder, but I'd like to change the Client Activity widget to list only clients who actually viewed the invoice page. How do I go about doing that? Can somebody shed a light?

does WHMCS even log when a client visits a particular page? perhaps if they performed some action on the page, but I doubt it just logs page visitations.

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38 minutes ago, Patty said:

WHMCS logs when client accesses the client area, I don't know if it would log access to a given page.

it records when a client logs in, but not the pages they've viewed.

I suspect one way you could do this would be to use a hook to write to a custom table, or write to a log, when client X has viewed the invoice page... and then tweak (or write new widget) the code to query for that string.... of course, they could still view the PDF invoice attached to their email without being logged, so i'm not sure how important such a feature would be. :?:

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Tks for your reply and suggestion, Brian.

I don't attach the PDF file to the invoice and the way that I set it up they will have to access the invoice to get the payment information. I just want to know when they do it.

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