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Server Status - Show only server belonging to client


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you could use a hook, not a million miles from the previous network issues hook I gave you...



use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;

function server_status_hook($vars) {

   $client = Menu::context('client');

   $myservers = Capsule::table('tblhosting')
                       ->join('tblservers', 'tblservers.id', '=', 'tblhosting.server')
                       ->where('tblhosting.userid', $client->id)

   $encodedata = json_encode($myservers);
   $decodedata = json_decode($encodedata, true);

   return array("myservers" => $decodedata);
add_hook("ClientAreaPageServerStatus", 1, "server_status_hook");

to make things slightly easier in the template, the hook is creating a one-dimensional array which allows us to use in_array in Smarty... you don't particularly need to do it, but it avoids the need to complicate the code required in the template. :idea:


then in serverstatus.tpl...


               {if $myservers|count gt 0}
                   {foreach from=$servers key=num item=server}
                       {if $server.name|in_array:$myservers}
                               <td class="text-center" id="port80_{$num}">
                                   <span class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></span>
                               <td class="text-center" id="port21_{$num}">
                                   <span class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></span>
                               <td class="text-center" id="port110_{$num}">
                                   <span class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></span>
                               <td class="text-center"><a href="{$server.phpinfourl}" target="_blank">{$LANG.serverstatusphpinfo}</a></td>
                               <td class="text-center" id="load{$num}">
                                   <span class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></span>
                               <td class="text-center" id="uptime{$num}">
                                   <span class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></span>
                                   jQuery(document).ready(function() {
                                       checkPort({$num}, 80);
                                       checkPort({$num}, 21);
                                       checkPort({$num}, 110);
                       <td class="text-center" colspan="7">{$LANG.serverstatusnoservers}</td>

tested with clients using just one server, but should work with multiple servers - i'm sure you'll let me know if it doesn't. :)


- - - Updated - - -


just to add that the above hook code was tested in v6... if using on v7, you'll likely need to change 'lists' to 'pluck'. :idea:

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  • 4 years later...

Hello @brian! and all, 

With the latest upgrade (well, a few months ago), that little script stopped working. 

Has anyone succeeded in fixing it or implementing another way to display only the relevant server to the client?


Edited by Newton
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9 hours ago, Newton said:

Has anyone succeeded in fixing it or implementing another way to display only the relevant server to the client?

lists got replaced by pluck soon after the original post - so replace one with the other in the code and it should work again.

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Thank you @brian! indeed that fixed it. 

The code of serverstatus.tpl changed a bit so here it is if someone needs the latest version : 

<tbody>{if $myservers|count gt 0} {foreach from=$servers key=num item=server} {if $server.name|in_array:$myservers}
		<td class="text-center" id="port80_{$num}">
			<div class="loader">{include file="$template/includes/loader.tpl" classes="spinner-sm"}</div>
		<td class="text-center" id="port21_{$num}">
			<div class="loader">{include file="$template/includes/loader.tpl" classes="spinner-sm"}</div>
		<td class="text-center" id="port110_{$num}">
			<div class="loader">{include file="$template/includes/loader.tpl" classes="spinner-sm"}</div>
		<td class="text-center">
			<a href="{$server.phpinfourl}" target="_blank">{$LANG.serverstatusphpinfo}</a>
		<td class="text-center" id="load{$num}">
			<div class="loader">{include file="$template/includes/loader.tpl" classes="spinner-sm"}</div>
		<td class="text-center" id="uptime{$num}">
			<div class="loader">{include file="$template/includes/loader.tpl" classes="spinner-sm"}</div>
			<script>function checkLsPort(num, port) { WHMCS.http.jqClient.post('serverstatus.php', 'ping=1&num=' + num + '&port=' + port, function(data) { var str = data; var res = str.replace("assets/img", "templates/lagom/assets/img/serverstatus"); res = res.replace("gif", "svg"); jQuery("#port" + port + "_" + num).html(res); }); } jQuery(document).ready(function() { checkLsPort({$num}, 80); checkLsPort({$num}, 21); checkLsPort({$num}, 110); getStats({$num}); });</script>
	{/if} {/foreach} {else}
		<td colspan="7">{$LANG.serverstatusnoservers}</td>


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4 hours ago, Newton said:

Thank you @brian! indeed that fixed it. 

good to hear.

although I can't for the life of me remember why i'm not just removing inapplicable servers from the existing array before returning it to the template - if I had done that, then there would be little need to edit the template at all. 🙄

5 hours ago, Newton said:

The code of serverstatus.tpl changed a bit so here it is if someone needs the latest version : 

are you using a custom third-party theme ? as neither Six or 21 looks like that.

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16 hours ago, brian! said:

good to hear.

although I can't for the life of me remember why i'm not just removing inapplicable servers from the existing array before returning it to the template - if I had done that, then there would be little need to edit the template at all. 🙄

are you using a custom third-party theme ? as neither Six or 21 looks like that.

Oh... you are right, this is lagom, not six/21. I thought it was the same but I guess not!


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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

I tried this code and find it no longer works and spits an error from the hook


BadMethodCallException: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::lists() in /home/USER/public_html/vendor/illuminate/support/Traits/ForwardsCalls.php:50
Stack trace:
#0 /home/USER/public_html/vendor/illuminate/database/Query/Builder.php(3163): Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::throwBadMethodCallException()
#1 /home/USER/public_html/includes/hooks/myServersStatus.php(14): Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder->__call()
#2 [internal function]: server_status_hook()
#3 /home/USER/public_html/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Hook/Manager.php(0): call_user_func()
#4 /home/USER/public_html/vendor/illuminate/support/Facades/Facade.php(261): WHMCS\Hook\Manager->run()
#5 /home/USER/public_html/includes/functions.php(0): Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade::__callStatic()
#6 /home/USER/public_html/includes/clientareafunctions.php(0): run_hook()
#7 /home/USER/public_html/serverstatus.php(0): outputClientArea()
#8 {main

anyone know a fix for this?

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