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Small scale hosting for my web clients - is WHMCS right for me or overkill?

Mark One


I'm looking to provide a hosting solution for my web clients rather than a stand alone hosting solution.


By that I mean I want to refer my clients to my site to pay for hosting and have recurring billing and account management handled but generally I will set up the web space for them myself (or they'll be moving from free to paid hosting and already be set up).


I also need to be able to sell maintenance services that are not necessarily tied to a hosting account (they may already have hosting elsewhere).


In addition to this the only other facility I think I'll need is a ticketed support system.


WHMCS looks like a good fit on a number of levels but do you think it's over the top for my requirement?


I am also a little concerned by the lack of native Stripe support and the fact that ongoing calls for its inclusion seem to be largely ignored.


Thanks for any advice, Mark

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Based upon your requirement it will do the job as WHMCS does not have to automatically provision anything. If you do need to go down that route then you have the option to do so easily. You can charge for your maintenance services manually, create products that are not tied to hosting or maybe use the billable items feature so you have many options.


The lack of stripe support from a native module is a PITA but lets hope WHMCS respond to the request for native support, but do not count on it. Joe's module is good though so is a workaround for now.

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Thanks Nathany - what level of technical ability is required to manage a whcms install?


I am primarily a designer and comfortable with managing wordpress installs and hacking php templates when required - is this enough or is whcms a whole different ball game?


Thanks, Mark

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Mark, I suggest you go for it. I setup most of the services for my clients to make it easier for them but the billing system and many more features you will find extremely useful, and you will know that you will be ready for anything needed down the track.


It's the way to go and you won't regret using it. In fact you'll wonder how you ever got by without WHMCS.


Sounds like you will be fine setting up and configuring although it can be daunting at first just like Wordpress prob was when you first started dabbling.


Not to mention the professional edge it will give you when customers know they have their own personal account area.

Go for it.

Edited by djpete
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