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Clarity on domain config form questions


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Hi guys,


while editing my awesome cart, i have come to a point i need some clarity on certain form questions, while the answers may seem apparent at first glance, even i find these questions a little vague, so i wanted to reword the form and perhaps provide my customers an easier experience while using my super dooper new cart ..


image below shows the questions, in question, naturally highlighted with my fantastic red crayon .. please excuse my horrid default form, this is what im changing currently ...




now, i understand some of these requested fields,


Registrant Name: (username or business name?)

Registrant ID: (username's ABN or business number)

Registrant ID Type: (a pulldown)


This is where is starts to get Vague ..


Eligibility Name:

Eligibility ID:

Eligibility ID Type:

Eligibility Type:


I understand that these fields are related to domain registration, and the content entered in is included into the whois results etc..


but a standard customer may have issues understanding this, is there another way i could reword these form questions into plain english perhaps ??


Thank you for your time,


Oh btw, how come, as a new customer, when creating a new account they are asked for a business name but NOT a business number (ABN) ? i would have thought this would have been an important piece of customer information especially if the cust wants to order new TLD in the future..




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Hi Kian,


yeah the meaning is what im looking for, clarity on what the actual names used mean so that i can change them into a plain english readable version, (basicly dumb it down for customers who are not so savy with computers..)


Hope that makes it clearer as to what i was asking ?


thank for your time eitherway Kian,




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These fields are generated by the additionaldomainfields.php file in the includes directory - so you can edit their names and descriptions in there...


as to what each field refers to, the page below from OpenSRS might help...




but if not, it will probably be explained further on the auDA website...



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legend as always brian!


cheers mate,


i dont think ill go as far as changing the additionaldomainfields.php, maybe just rename the labels on the surface level, and maybe use some nice mouse overs for further info if a customer gets confused, or stuck as to what they mean..


btw thanks for the links, i didnt even consider auda.org.au


cheers fellers



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