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proforma invoice requirement


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WHMCS, please find a way to allow people from EU to change the subject line of the attachment pdf in order to conform with proforma rules.


Keeping that data locked away from those that live there really makes it hard to satisfy the accountants. All im asking is have a hook available or add some way to modify that invoice pdf attachment subject line such as maybe in the admin panel. Right now you have it locked into the sequential numbering but that does not help them if they have special requirements from their accountants.


Also it means that the profoma invoice will not match the subject line of the pdf which is why we need full access to that subject line of the invoice attachment and able to modify it via php or hook process. This assures that the subject line will match the invoice number.



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Info that feature https://requests.whmcs.com/responses/separate-naming-for-invoice-and-proforma-invoice-pdfs has already been implemented i believe in the invoicepdf tmp file as of 5.3.8 i believe



# Header Bar

$invoiceprefix = $_LANG["invoicenumber"];


** This code should be uncommented for EU companies using the sequential invoice numbering so that when unpaid it is shown as a proforma invoice **

if ($status!="Paid") {

$invoiceprefix = $_LANG["proformainvoicenumber"];




unfortunately my client and others cant wait for what could be a long wait to see if a feature will be implemented or not, the dogs are at their door right now. So doing a feature request although nice, we are way behind the 8ball on this and its not a practicle approach at this time.


If not for this http://forum.whmcs.com/showthread.php?94527-change-title-on-pdf-attachment-email that project would be done and i could leave it as just a couple of hooks and some misc changes. None of those modules do this and not to the extend that we need them.

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Hi Dave,


If the dogs are at your door, please feel free to open a ticket to WHMCS Technical Support about this and get an official comment about it, there.


You started this thread (formerly in the Technical Support forum) with:


"WHMCS, please find a way to allow people from EU to change the subject line of the attachment pdf in order to conform with proforma rules."


That's a Feature Request. If it's something that should work right now, but doesn't, opening a ticket is the path forward.


TBH, I'm not WHMCS Technical Support so I try not to follow along to closely with your threads. You're all over the map here. But, reading your latest posts it sounds like you're working on something and wish WHMCS to sort something out for you, to make it happen.


Opening a Ticket or a new WHMCS Feature Request is the way to go, that's how things are done.

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I appreciate the feed back, i was sort of overwhelmed at the moment that such a tiny thing could make this go south for my clients project. It just really got to me that 99.9 percent of the project is perfect but .1 percent pretty much destroyed everything i had worked hard on, and its so dumb to its a freaken subject line.


For me it was as if they did part of it but not all of it with regard to their proforma process. I was also told that whmcs does not even use proforma and like 55% of people over there dont. But my client does, im not asking whmcs to sort it for me, i know what needs to be done. I was asking them to finish what they started. If they used proforma they would have realized that some accountants need the paid invoice in a slightly different format than the non paid ones, and especially if they are paypal invoices. So not allowing a hook or some way in order to manipulate the actual subject in the PDF email is something that needed to be included in their proforma process. So its not a feature req per say, its finish what was started request lol..


My project for the client made it so that if they paid by paypal then the paid invoice, the email, and the database showed the invoice number as a special format far and above that the sequencial format input does.


I am learning this process as well and i started the first post thinking it was just something i missed not realizing that the subject was hard coded, thats why i did the second post where i had it.


I see so many good feature requests go 10 14 months with little activity and im not sure if thats because people have lost interest in voting and just dont vote anymore, or if there is no interest in the subject matter. And i have never seen a voting structure that actually worked and was beneficial, but then again i dont hang out in those places all the time. I just happen to run accross the posts that say they dont do any good. Im also a leader over at oxwall forum and they too have a hard time with the voting process so the evidence is not good.


However, If thats the way things get done then so be it :) i guess ill set it and forget it and if it gathers dust then i can at least say i did what was required.

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So its not a feature req per say, its finish what was started request lol..


Nothing funny about that. If the WHMCS product doesn't do what you'd like it to, you open a Feature Request. Or ask in the proper forum here for someone to extend the product for you, for a fee. If the WHMCS product is supposed to do X, but doesn't work right, you open a ticket. You know this.


So this thread, is feedback from you, on the product.


You've gone off topic and on to your feedback concerning the Feature Requests site next.


I just happen to run accross the posts that say they dont do any good.


And thought, why not post just one more? Is that it? :)


The Feature Requests system here and at cPanel, both work well for what they are designed to do. The Development teams monitor those Feature Requests, they do not monitor all your threads.


i guess ill set it and forget it and if it gathers dust then i can at least say i did what was required.


I brought hot coffee this morning! You need some it sounds like. ;)


You have not done all that was required. You started several threads going in multiple directions, but do not have any open tickets, or Feature Requests as suggested, that I'm aware of.


You should though. You'd like to extend the functionality of the product and that's a good thing. To make that happen though you're going to have to go the proper route.


Giving up because you have to take some extra steps, seems silly to me.


The good news is, it's almost Friday.

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