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Can't login to admin area


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Hello everybody,


I have a problem with WHMCS, and hoping someone here may be able to help me.


I recently upgraded to v 5.1.2. Upgrade went well, and I was able to login to admin normally afterward.


However, today, when I tried to login to admin, although I'm 100% sure that username and password are correct, I could not login to admin in WHMCS. At all. I could error out if I gave the wrong password, but I could not actually login if I was right. It always automatically comes back to the ../admin/login.php page, as if I had just open it.


I tried the "forgotten password" function, it was working. Password was reset, and new password was sent to email. But still I can't login.


I tried 3 different browsers, and clean all cache before logging in, still not working


Strangely enough, I could login if I use proxy to login. I used ultrasurf. I also had someone access it from outside, and it was accessible.


Can anyone here help determine what the problem could be? Thanks in advance for your help.




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Guest benpotter1991

I also seem to have this problem exactly how you mention. I submitted a ticket and a couple of the support staff had no problems logging into my admin area. Just seems to be me that has this problem.


The only (very weird) way I can get around it is to be logged in as a client on my website, then try to log into my admin section and then it works fine.


I am not sure what is wrong, and tbh given up trying to sort it out!

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Are you using a custom admin directory?

If so make sure you have uploaded the /admin files to the correct location ;)

This also shows no error message when loggin in, either using the correct details or not..


If not using a custom directory then try with "Remember me until I logout." ticked and no ticked.

With it unchecked it uses sessions, with it checked it uses cookies. If one works and not the other then it indicates a issue with the server.


Failing to find the problem yourself using this info then open a support ticket :)



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  IoxHost said:
Are you using a custom admin directory?

If so make sure you have uploaded the /admin files to the correct location ;)

This also shows no error message when loggin in, either using the correct details or not..


Yes, I'm using custom admin directory, but I made sure the admin files are uploaded to the right folder. So no problem there.


  IoxHost said:
If not using a custom directory then try with "Remember me until I logout." ticked and no ticked.

With it unchecked it uses sessions, with it checked it uses cookies. If one works and not the other then it indicates a issue with the server.


Failing to find the problem yourself using this info then open a support ticket :)




I tried the "Remember me until I log out" both ticked and unticked too, but no dice.


The other strange thing is, apart from the fact that I can login just find at home using a proxy server (ultrasurf), turns out I can also login just fine from my office. But still, can't do it at home without proxy. Same laptop.


Could this be an ISP issue? DNS problem? I'm confused.

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Just had a thought, is there a feature on WHMCS where it only allows connection from a certain IP? I upgraded WHMCS at the office. But that doesn't explain why I can login via a proxy server out of US... hmm..


Could my ISP's IP at home somehow blacklisted, and WHMCS doesn't allow connection from a blacklisted IP address?

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  CubicWebs said:
Go to Phpmyadmin > Database > tbladmins > edit yours >


password varchar(32) MD5 Your new password.


then click save.


then try and log in again.





Phpmyadmin > Database > tblbannedips > check if your IP is in the list probably the last record. If it is click on delete (Red button)


Thanks for your input, however I know the problem is not the password, I know my password is correct. I also checked the banned IPs table, it's empty.


  John said:

WHMCS doesn't currently have a feature to only permit logins from certain IPs. However you could try ticking the Setup > General Settings > Security tab > Disable Session IP option to see if that helps: http://docs.whmcs.com/Security_Tab#Disable_Session_IP_Check


This could be it. I've disabled session IP option, and I'll try logging in again as soon as I get home. Thanks!

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  John said:

WHMCS doesn't currently have a feature to only permit logins from certain IPs. However you could try ticking the Setup > General Settings > Security tab > Disable Session IP option to see if that helps: http://docs.whmcs.com/Security_Tab#Disable_Session_IP_Check


John, thank you very much. This solved my problem.

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