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/templates_c permission problem

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My install of WHMCS was working fine but it now longer does so. It's suffering mutliple issues affecting the admin area, client area, email templates and ordering.


If you go to http://www.lightbeingcreations.co.uk/clients/index.php you will see what comes up for the public side of things. I can log in to the admin area, but the summary screen is blank. If I go ti view a support ticket, that screen is blank. The same happens on many other screens too.


When I try to send emails all that is sent is a message with no subject and just a few lines of html but not the actual messages I type. System generated emails such as invoice reminders are the same. If a client does have an invoice, they can't click on the Paypal link and then go and pay as that p[age comes up blank too!


It's basically fcked!


Support's last message to me on 4/7/12 was


"The issue seems to remain one of permissions. Something on the server side is preventing your WHMCS installation from being able to overwrite files in the templates_c folder. So clearing the templates cache directory does resolve it for a time hence Lawrence's previous reply, but given time it starts to recur again. And so to resolve this I'm afraid you're going to need to get your host or server admin to check and correct the ownership and/or permissions settings on that folder and the files within it to ensure the user the WHMCS script is running under can overwrite them. If it conintues even after that please get back in touch."


It is still buggered and so I asked them the following:


I've just connected by FTP to the server and checked the permissions for this directory and it is set to CHMOD 777 (so writeable by everyone).


So why does it not still work?


If it's not just those permissions, then can you please provide full details of exactly what needs checking (particularly more details around owner ship and what the permissions should be. Though I don't understand this happening, as nothing has changed on the server other than the recent security patch after your hacking episode, as directed by yourselves.


That was on 5/7/12 and since then they have done bugger all to reply or help!


I'm at my wits end as I know my questions are reasonable and if they actually gave support then I might move forward. But as it is I'm losing money and they are about to lose a customer.... and I won't be going quietly.


Anyone here got suggestions?

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i had this exact screen as you, and was pulling my hair out, then i noticed a simple mistake on my part, it may not be exaclty as yours, but when i logged in the admin side i noticed there was no choices for my template, or the ordering template. So i searched the server endlessly for the solution and realized I had moved my templates folder with the templates_c folder by mistake, once i relocated it to the proper directory and emptied the template_c , all was well... hope this helps...

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