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WHMCSintegrations.com ?


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I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about WHMCSintegrations.com


I placed an order with them for their 8 hour rush service and more than 20 hours later I've still not heard anything. I wish I had done some background research into them as what I have found on Google doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.


Does anyone know if they are still actually doing integrations? Or should I cut my loses and put it down to bad experience? I'm not bothered that it wasn't done in 8 hours, I just want it done.

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I apologize for the delay! Over the past few months we have been absolutely swamped with integration orders and we typically cut down slightly on work over the weekends. I understand that this is no excuse and you will be compensated for the delay.


Thanks again for your patience!


The reply above is the same one I got several months ago when I used them. This is not the company to use for your integration.


I have had the WHMCS guys do two integrations for me, and am planning a third for May. Use WHMCS for your integration, it a great price and they will work with you until every detail is the way you want it.


Worst money I ever spent was with Payton, the best money went to WHMCS.

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I apologize for the delay! Over the past few months we have been absolutely swamped with integration orders and we typically cut down slightly on work over the weekends. I understand that this is no excuse and you will be compensated for the delay.


Thanks again for your patience!

Thank you for getting back to me. I hope you can complete this as soon as possible. May I also make a friendly suggestion that you consider removing the rush hour service for an extra ($5) at these times when you know you are not going to be able to offer this service.

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It seems Payton Designs thought that just making a reply on here with false promises would be enough to silence me, but it's not. I'm absoloutely sick of this now and have just sent WHMCSIntegrations the following email:


Okay. I think I have been fair enough with you on this now. You have 12 hours to complete this theme integration or I'm going to report you to the authorities for taking fraudulent orders that you have no intention of completing, and certainly not within the advertised timeframe. And why are you still letting other people place orders with the $5 rush hour service? You can't provide this and have proven this on countless occasions.


Please complete this within the timeframe I've specified which is more than fair considering how much time has passed already. Failure to do this will also lead to me reviewing your service on every forum I can possibly think off in order to warn others about your poor service.


Lets hope we can resolve this and you can provide me with what I ordered 5 days ago (for 8 hour completion)


Please people,, think seriously before hiring Payton Designs.

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Your order has now been completed -- we hope you enjoy it as much as we do. If you find any problems or would like anything changed please don't hesitate to let us know. Once again, I apologize for the delay. I have credited your account with a free future integration with any design you would like. Also, if you would submit a ticket with your paypal e-mail address I will refund you the rush fee + an additional amount.


Thanks again!

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Thank you for the completion. I love the integration, and thank you for crediting with a free future integration. As for the refund for the rush fee I'm happy to forget about this. Once again thank you for completing the job, we are very happy with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to hear your having a bad time of it. It really ticks me off when i see good people having to go thru horrible customer service like this.


I know i dont know the whole story but from just what im reading it does not sound good. You people that say your backedup and overloaded with work, why dont you close down the integration order process completely until you can catch up. Its just stupid to keep making excuses and putting people off. You cost yourself more business by bad customer service and making worthless excuses than you would if you just closed down the process and not taking any other orders for anything till you get caught up.


I has always blown my mind that good people seem to be attracted to (or put up with) horrible customer service just because they feel they have to. Life rule #3 - if someone is not doing their job as promised, freaken fire their ass and put the job out for bid again, file a complaint and get your money back. If you keep putting up with the garbage they will never change because they know youll be knocking on thier door again and again.


Make them earn your business folks... Yeah your going to sit there and tell me but this, and but that. Clear your head and fire them.. Its just that simple.

Edited by durangod
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@DuranGod I agree with everything you say.


The whole thing is such a shame, I mean Payton does some of the best WHMCS/Hostbill integrations I've seen and his completed work is second to none, but it's just so unreliable. I could put so much work his way from reseller clients etc but I just can't trust him to be reliable enough.


The way I see it, when the 8 hour or 24 hour time slot is not met and no communication is made to explain why and you support tickets are ignored then it's bordering on theft. You pay for a service and it's not given. To me this is theft up until a point that the product is eventually given. Even just a reply with sorry were a bit snowed under would be better than just being totally ignored for days on end.

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To be quite honest, integrations can be very time consuming and as far as i can see aside from the timing issues there are no unhappy customers.


look at it this way, he does in days what most people cant even dream to do in months. The only fault i see here is a bad business model, and that in itself isn't such a major cause for concern, the main factor is that he needs to change that model to something more manageable, or take on developers to help fulfil the profile he aims to provide.


The problem isnt that his timing is slow, the problem is people have unrealistic ideas about what can be acheived within a time frame, this needs to be set out ahead of time so that clients are not being let down.


Can i suggest something that might help here to payton.

Add something to your website that shows the current work queue, not specifics, just an estimation of how long people will have to wait to get work started and completed. also make the priority work load switch-able so when your overloaded it takes away the problems for you. this just might take care of the complaints on timing and let you do the great work you have been doing without concerns.


I know from experience working under pressure can cause you to do poor work. remove the stresser

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To be quite honest, integrations can be very time consuming and as far as i can see aside from the timing issues there are no unhappy customers.


look at it this way, he does in days what most people cant even dream to do in months. The only fault i see here is a bad business model, and that in itself isn't such a major cause for concern, the main factor is that he needs to change that model to something more manageable, or take on developers to help fulfil the profile he aims to provide.


The problem isnt that his timing is slow, the problem is people have unrealistic ideas about what can be acheived within a time frame, this needs to be set out ahead of time so that clients are not being let down.


Can i suggest something that might help here to payton.

Add something to your website that shows the current work queue, not specifics, just an estimation of how long people will have to wait to get work started and completed. also make the priority work load switch-able so when your overloaded it takes away the problems for you. this just might take care of the complaints on timing and let you do the great work you have been doing without concerns.


I know from experience working under pressure can cause you to do poor work. remove the stresser


Firstly, it takes less than 2 minutes to reply to a client telling them that you are extremely busy with other work. He doesn't even attempt to do that. This is bad business practice right from the get go.


Secondly it doesn't take months to integrate a WHMCS or Hostbill theme or even days for that matter, it can be done in a matter of a few hours sometimes even quicker for simpler integrations. I'm not assuming this, I know this, I have integrated themes before. The reason I haven't done on these two occasions is purely a time constraint thing. I didn't have the time to do this as I'm dedicated to other projects at the moment, now it would be quicker for me to curt my loss and do this one myself, but why Should you when you have paid someone to do something for you.


I know Payton agreed with me about my first bad experience with him as he was nice enough to offer me a partial refund, which I declined as he did get the job done eventually. He did however give me a free integration credit for later use, however this does seem a bit of a loss now as I can't seem to get it done anyway.


The problem isnt that his timing is slow, the problem is people have unrealistic ideas about what can be acheived within a time frame


Not at all, if you don't know what your talking about then don't bother to comment on this issue.

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also on http://whmcsintegration.com/ where does it state it will be done in 24 hours


what it states is


How long does it take to integrate our design?


Typically your WHMCS will be integrated within 8-24 hours. If you have chosen our rush option, your WHMCS will be integrated within 8 hours.


no guarantee it will be done in 24 hours. if he gets a load of integration orders then it will take him longer, if he has only 1 order he can do this in a short period.

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also on http://whmcsintegration.com/ where does it state it will be done in 24 hours


what it states is




no guarantee it will be done in 24 hours. if he gets a load of integration orders then it will take him longer, if he has only 1 order he can do this in a short period.


So 4 days with no contact is acceptable to you? I'm not complaining about it not being done in 24 hours I'm complaining about no contact or answer to support questions. Read about online a bit an you will see Payton has a long history of letting people down,.

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So 4 days with no contact is acceptable to you? I'm not complaining about it not being done in 24 hours I'm complaining about no contact or answer to support questions. Read about online a bit an you will see Payton has a long history of letting people down,.


i know Paytons history of no communication, my point was the ones on about his 24 hours to do the integration


their are 3 main parties apart from WHMCS themselves that do Integrations, they are below in the order of communication speeds


1. zomex.com

2. whmcsintegration.ca

3. iampayton.com/WHMCSintegrations.com


their are many more smaller ones that will do integrations

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Are you sure about the order of 2 and 3? I waited two weeks for a response from #2 once in the middle of him doing an integration (which *still* isn't finished after 9 weeks!)


yes i am sure, look on other forums like WHT and you will see very few bad reviews if any on 1 and 2 but hundreds on 3. even on this forum Payton does not have a good reputation

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Goofy, hope you get it all worked out bud, and fyi, its not duranGod, i am not god by far, its durango d but i didnt put the _ in the name. Its short for durango dave. As i got the name when i lived in durango colorado. Your not the only one though :), i get hell all the time, people thinking that i think i am a god, i just laugh cause im not, its just funny.

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We are another one who has been quite frankly scammed by PaytonDesigns!


Order placed over 1 week ago now and no completion nor replies from Payton - Opened 4 tickets over that course with not one reply.


The joke about it is i placed the 8 hour rush, I wouldnt even mind if he had the decency to answer my ticket saying "Sorry I am a bit ied down with orders currently, it will be done asap" but the factr he has ignored all tickets is dissapointing.


I have always been pleased with work from him previously and now am left dissapointed.


Interesting to see if he replies...

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To All:


I know my time management skills have not been the best over the past few years, but I would like to make one thing clear... I have never scammed anyone out of the money they paid for a service. If for any reason I failed to deliver on what you ordered, you are fully entitled to a refund -- no questions asked. If I missed your order, and you still haven't gotten a refund, please contact me.


The reason for the bad reviews and missed deadlines is simple -- I am extremely busy tackling upwards of 20 integrations a day. I am in the process of hiring others to the team so customer service should take a turn for the best.


It's unfortunate that bad reviews are typically the only reviews posted on forums -- I feel my resume and the companies I've worked with will show that I truly offer the best integration service. I am truly passionate about the work I do and take my time with EACH and EVERY order processed. I appreciate all the companies who have ordered from WHMCSIntegration.com, you guys rock!

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To All:


I know my time management skills have not been the best over the past few years, but I would like to make one thing clear... I have never scammed anyone out of the money they paid for a service. If for any reason I failed to deliver on what you ordered, you are fully entitled to a refund -- no questions asked. If I missed your order, and you still haven't gotten a refund, please contact me.


The reason for the bad reviews and missed deadlines is simple -- I am extremely busy tackling upwards of 20 integrations a day. I am in the process of hiring others to the team so customer service should take a turn for the best.


It's unfortunate that bad reviews are typically the only reviews posted on forums -- I feel my resume and the companies I've worked with will show that I truly offer the best integration service. I am truly passionate about the work I do and take my time with EACH and EVERY order processed. I appreciate all the companies who have ordered from WHMCSIntegration.com, you guys rock!


Thank you for starting work on my integration, and hopefully the CSS conflicts and such can be sorted out reasonably quickly. I'm not able to speak to you via your website as it seems your WHMCS is not working properly at the moment and just displays a blank page. I've removed the bullet points that I discussed with you earlier and I've also removed the text shadows that were still in the footer too.


I know the order pages are causing a problem and I don't mind waiting on those as I can use one of the order pages that does work, however if you could get the menu fixed that would be awesome.

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