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can't access admin pages


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hi all

i was updating the general settings to show our dns name and since then i can access the front customer page but can't click through to any option. The /admin area is also now completely not responding at all. is there a config file I can revert to if anyone knows?



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thanks John, I noted that that table had the settings, but would prefer not to install phpmyadmin as it has been full of bugs from past installs. and we also have a soap application which stops working when this is installed. if you can advise on the command to change the AdminForceSSL to off would solve my problem.

anyone? help please!

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  • 1 month later...

Just a note to anyone running into the same issue:


I was experimenting with SSL and turned Admin SSL to "ON" via web admin and then there was chaos. I tried to set the value to "off" via PhpMyAdmin but it wouldn't work. Then I remebered that maybe WHMCS wants that value set to empty (""). I tried it and it worked wonderfully!


Hope this helps someone :)

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