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Currency conversion questions


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First I want to say that I looked at WHMCS a few years ago and thought it was pretty good then, but the current version is fricking awesome, so many cool features, so am currently testing the trial version, although considering how much work it is to setup and integarte with control panel, the trial needs to be more than 14 days really.


Anyway here is my issues.


We will sell everything in GBP so that is the base currency, however some things we need to convert from USD to GBP such as ENOM domains.

So in the TLD pricing I have enetere donly our USD pricing and left the GBP pricing at 0.00 thinking it will get automatically clculated when I update pricing.

But whenever I update the product prices from the exchange rates page, it just blanks out ALL the prices.


What am I doing wrong ?

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and of course the price we pay has a bearing on the price we charge, that is basic business 101

You have to charge more than you pay, you cannot buy something for $10 and sell it for $5 or you would go out of business.

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If the GBP is the base currency, all created with GBP, then WHMCS show all the other currencies, I've even spend much time on it since I also wanted all TLD prices in USD and everything else in DKK, so you're not the only do not get it to work, I have come to that it can not WHMCS


And if I am wrong, it will be pleased

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  growe said:
To resolve your issue... install this addon module... http://www.whmcs.com/members/communityaddons.php?action=viewmod&id=255&vote=true


Yes, it's a good thing that you have a module that can do it, but it ends up with after all that we have 25++ different modules which all need to be updated when a new version of WHMCS and before all is finished update is the next version of WHMCS released, and then we to wait for again that will be update.


This is no criticism of your work, but I've tried it so many times before, with the OSC, Joomla, WP ... And since we offer web hotels we of course need to be online we can not exactly say that unfortunately, our side down, so would our customers escape, and we would so not get some new clients while we are down.


Then there are any who would say that we do not have to update, the more the need we have for so long that the absence of so like much of WHMCS before we can use it 100% in the EU.


We have had a license to WHMCS for nine months now and am starting to think that we will never be able to use WHMCS. :shock:

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  snake said:

We will sell everything in GBP so that is the base currency, however some things we need to convert from USD to GBP such as ENOM domains.

So in the TLD pricing I have enetere donly our USD pricing and left the GBP pricing at 0.00 thinking it will get automatically clculated when I update pricing.

But whenever I update the product prices from the exchange rates page, it just blanks out ALL the prices.


What am I doing wrong ?

The pricing update needs the default currency to be able to update the others.

So if you have your default currency (GBP) set at 0.00 then of course when the price update runs on the cron it will convert that price for the other prices... hence all will be 0.00

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  wsd said:
Yes, it's a good thing that you have a module that can do it, but it ends up with after all that we have 25++ different modules which all need to be updated when a new version of WHMCS and before all is finished update is the next version of WHMCS released, and then we to wait for again that will be update.


This is no criticism of your work, but I've tried it so many times before, with the OSC, Joomla, WP ... And since we offer web hotels we of course need to be online we can not exactly say that unfortunately, our side down, so would our customers escape, and we would so not get some new clients while we are down.


Then there are any who would say that we do not have to update, the more the need we have for so long that the absence of so like much of WHMCS before we can use it 100% in the EU.


We have had a license to WHMCS for nine months now and am starting to think that we will never be able to use WHMCS. :shock:


Dear wsd, WHMCS is used and enjoyed by many of us. We love the work Matt does and enjoy the extra addons that are available. Yes, there are some things I would prefer to see different but then again, I chose option 1 below. I chose it knowing that it was not exactly as I would design.



Option 1) Use WHMCS with the understanding that it is designed to serve many, many different companies that have many, many different needs and even more wants. Choosing this option you also have to understand that it would take the authors 100 lifetimes (or more) to author code to meet all those wants/desires. All that being said, choosing this option you get a VERY good product for a VERY good price.


Option 2) Pay someone big $$$ to author code to suit your exact need and complain to them each time it doesn't work exactly how you want. Pay them even more $$$ each time you want an upgrade or change made.


Option 3) Save your $$$ but invest a LOT of time and author the code yourself. Be fair though... each time it doesn't work properly write yourself a complaint letter before fixing the code. You'll likely spend more time writing complaint letters than code.


  sparky said:
The pricing update needs the default currency to be able to update the others.

So if you have your default currency (GBP) set at 0.00 then of course when the price update runs on the cron it will convert that price for the other prices... hence all will be 0.00


The addon mentioned in the quote below will allow you to set the price you want in the currency you want. It will then convert that amount and set the appropriate value in your default currency. When the currency updater cron runs, all currencies will be updated based on that new value.


Unrelated to this issue but worth knowing... The module also handles fixed or percentage markups on a per product basis. You can enter in your cost and the system will mark it up for you. The currency conversion can either be done before or after the markup is done.


  growe said:
To resolve your issue... install this addon module... http://www.whmcs.com/members/communityaddons.php?action=viewmod&id=255&vote=true


We use and love the addon.

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  growe said:

The addon mentioned in the quote below will allow you to set the price you want in the currency you want. It will then convert that amount and set the appropriate value in your default currency. When the currency updater cron runs, all currencies will be updated based on that new value.


Unrelated to this issue but worth knowing... The module also handles fixed or percentage markups on a per product basis. You can enter in your cost and the system will mark it up for you. The currency conversion can either be done before or after the markup is done.




We use and love the addon.

The OP was wanting to know why the pricing was being blanked out or set to 0.00 after the default pricing update ran with whmcs...


He was not after an addon that possibly could solve his problem.

What you are doing here is classed as self promotion particually adding a link to vote for your module.


You should probably take a look at the forum rules here http://forum.whmcs.com/faq.php

Anyone else would get an infraction for this.

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Doh!!! - Not intentional at all. The link was a simple cut and paste after viewing the page myself. Didn't realize there was a vote thing on it.


On another note... the addon is both free and open source so self promotion has no benefit in this case. Self promotion is not the motive... Helping others to not have the same problem I had is the motive.


Your explanation answers his question very well.... I went a step further and answered the next question which would be "Ok, so now that I know why the problem is happening... how do I fix it?"


In any event, I am sure the question as to why the problem is happening has been answered and the question on how to fix the problem is answered.


Can we please stop complaining and just enjoy the great software that Matt and his group created and help each other learn more about it and gain from it's many benefits?

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  growe said:
Food for thought....

Yes food for thought....


1) This should not be understood that I Discredit WHMCS, but by that install all the modules as many recommend you achieve only one thing and that is that it becomes a bigger and bigger job to update WHMCS, and eventually you have to give up Update.



2) And what we want is not a call we have, this is a requirement from the Danish authorities and as long as we can not comply with them, then there is not any idea of going online with WHMCS, it will not be automatic for the course will still require that all invoices done manually in a different system.

Therefore we can not just say that now we do not update more.


  growe said:


Option 1) Use WHMCS with the understanding that it is designed to serve many, many different companies that have many, many different needs and even more wants. Choosing this option you also have to understand that it would take the authors 100 lifetimes (or more) to author code to meet all those wants/desires. All that being said, choosing this option you get a VERY good product for a VERY good price.


Option 2) Pay someone big $$$ to author code to suit your exact need and complain to them each time it doesn't work exactly how you want. Pay them even more $$$ each time you want an upgrade or change made.


Option 3) Save your $$$ but invest a LOT of time and author the code yourself. Be fair though... each time it doesn't work properly write yourself a complaint letter before fixing the code. You'll likely spend more time writing complaint letters than code.


Yes we have selected Option 1 but we can not use without also choose Option 2, or wait for WHMCS is updated so we can use it in Denmark / EU

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