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WHMCS interaction with Enom


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I'm still getting a handle on how much the system interfaces with cpanel and enom. Yesterday I marked two of three domains for one client in WHMCS as 'Do Not Renew' I figured this would keep them from being renewed. But when the invoice was paid (1 domain paid, the others set to $0 on the invoice) all three domains were renewed. So what does the "Do Not Renew" checkbox do?

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I'm still getting a handle on how much the system interfaces with cpanel and enom. Yesterday I marked two of three domains for one client in WHMCS as 'Do Not Renew' I figured this would keep them from being renewed. But when the invoice was paid (1 domain paid, the others set to $0 on the invoice) all three domains were renewed. So what does the "Do Not Renew" checkbox do?


"Do not renew" stops invoice generation. If the invoices had already been created, then they should have been manually cancelled.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Do Not Renew button doesn't seem to affect whether or not a domain gets renewed. In this case, an invoice had been created. I deleted this domain from the invoice, and set it to 'Do Not Renew'. When the date came up, it got renewed anyway. What else can I do? Do I have to delete the domain from WHMCS for it not to get renewed when there's a card on file?

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  • 1 month later...

I have also question about this topic, but I see nobody cares about it...


When customer orders a domain, I accept order, and add that it goes to registration procedure...

After few days client pays for domain and package, and that domain gets "again registered" -> renewed


than again next year invoice gets created, client pays -> enom renews +1 year, so every time I "pay" (credit/sponsor) domain 1 year in advance...



This makes real trouble to me, because I don't have time to check everything - many domain, many users...

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When customer orders a domain, I accept order, and add that it goes to registration procedure...

After few days client pays for domain and package, and that domain gets "again registered" -> renewed


Don't register them until they pay - simply untick the "send to registrar" before accepting the order (or better yt, dont accept unpaid orders!)

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I know that, but sometimes I need to do this because It's urgent to customer, and that he/she pays everything, e.g.: on end of the month, or it's Sunday, and they send money by bank, so they need to wait till monday, etc.


I'm just wondering, why it's like this? two difirent things: "accept" & "order payed" ,each result with same thing: "register/renew"


Why it isn't like - when you accept it, it registers; and after, when the payment is received, it does nothing, just marks everything payed?

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This annoys us as well. About all you can do is view the invoice, copy the domain registration line, delete the line, and then re-add it, so that the associated between the line item on the invoice and the domain is broken, but the invoice still looks the same. Then you can renew the domain and when the invoice is marked paid, it won't trigger any renewal action on the domain.


Do Not Renew is also annoying-as it is misleading. You can edit $_ADMINLANG['domains']['donotrenew'] in admin/lang/english.php to change it to "Do Not Auto-Renew".

Edited by Troy
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  • WHMCS Support Manager
I know that, but sometimes I need to do this because It's urgent to customer, and that he/she pays everything, e.g.: on end of the month, or it's Sunday, and they send money by bank, so they need to wait till monday, etc.

Module Commands occur when a payment is received. The checkboxes on the order details page allow you choose whether the module command run when accepting the order or not. Please also review: http://docs.whmcs.com/Domains_Management#Renewing_a_domain_before_payment_is_received

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