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[NOT A BUG] Hosting account is deleted when an order is cancelled

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This might not be a bug and could be designed to work this way, but it sure confuses me.


I deleted an order, (I had set up the hosting account manually). I was surprised when the client called to say their website was gone. Oooops, so I pay $15 to HostGator to restore the account. After playing around with a dummy order and dummy account, I see that when I delete or cancel the order, something behind the scenes is also deleting the hosting account off of the server! I would not expect that to happen without confirming to ask me if I really want the account deleted. I think an order and an established account are two different things.


Interestingly enough, the product (hosting account) still appears in WHMCS in the client's account..


I hope someone will tell me that I stupidly over-looked some setting somewhere that prevents accounts from ever being deleted from the server under any circumstances without asking me first. :-)



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WHMCS never ask you second time ;) , Yes it's true that if your cancel or delete any order (from order page )then the account is terminated from the server.


If you just want to suspend or cancel the account for short period of time then your should go to Product / Services and change the status there.


Remember never to delete or cancel the order from order page! It's good for record keeping.

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Actually, I was just working with some orders and tried a few scenarios.


It looks like if you click the 'x' after an order it does prompt you with a simple are you sure you want to delete.


However, if you select multiple orders and click delete there is no prompt or warning. I would imagine this would be especially dangerous considering there is a select all box at the top. (Two clicks to delete all hosting accounts and no warning whatsoever?)

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