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Odd Error message in my daily cronjob report?


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I am new to WHMCS, and when I received the email informing of my daily cronjob activity, it included the following message under the "Services Suspended" section of the website:


- Manual Suspend Required: Robert Dale - starfalling.ca (Service ID: 3 - User ID: 3 - Error: (Curl Error) Couldn't resolve host '' - code: 6)


I recognize that as the name and domain of one my cients, but I don't understand what it means. Do I need to act on this?

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It means that the account was suposed to be suspended for some reason (probably an invoice not paid)

It could not suspend the account because of the curl error

CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST (6) Couldn't resolve host. The given remote host was not resolved.




Check your server settings in whmcs admin (it may need to be set to use SSL)

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