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[FIXED] iWHMCS - Ticket Summary Shows 'Array' not Client Name


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Just downloaded the iWHMCS application and have so far found the application to be great and I look forward to improvements over time.


When I view that Support ticket Summary of the Answered Tickets it has the word 'Array' instead of the clients name. At present I have two tickets in the Answered Tickets and one of them has the details (this was done in WHMCS) while the one without was replied to in iWHMCS.


When I then go and look at the actual ticket, no name is in the details, nor is there an email address for the client. The ticket completed in WHMCS does have the details.


When I look at WHMCS ALL the information is in the ticket.


It is is also not possible to assign support tickets that have not been allocated to a user automatically.is this a bug or a feature that has been overlooked?

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The tickets displaying "Array" in the name section of an unregistered users ticket has been narrowed down to an issue within the API itself rather than the app. So replacing the attached 2 files in the /includes/api/ folder should resolve this for you (luckily we don't need to wait for Apple to approve a new release on this one).




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