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What do you think about Google OS?


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It seems primarily geared towards netbooks atm though, doubtless, it'll be relevant to PCs, too. As it's open source there'll be plenty of developer submissions. For anyone who wants to start reading a little more about here's a useful place to start: http://googleblog.*************/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html


The possibility of a seriously lightweight OS is kind of attractive but, until more is known, it's hard to comment much further.

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im liking the posibility of a serious lightweight OS, but as redrat saidi would like to know more about it, I just bought a Samsung N110 netbook which has an amazing battery life and if google OS can better that then its all good, battery currently runs for bout 7-8 hours

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Google’s new Chrome operating system is intended to merge the browser and applications into one seamless experience.

This failed utterly when MS did it. Tying the browser to the OS in any way simply means more chances to compromise that OS. I have no plans whatsoever to try it. ;)

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  bear said:
This failed utterly when MS did it. Tying the browser to the OS in any way simply means more chances to compromise that OS. I have no plans whatsoever to try it. ;)


But, you have to remember that nearly everything MS does has been done elsewhere and more successful, MS do it and because it has the MS name on it PPL think it will be great. Ive a lot more trust for Google than I do for MS, hence im using google chrome as main browser

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You hear more about MS issues because of market share.


There have been exploits in Chrome, too. Same with Gmail and so on. Bugs exist in all apps, and the only reason you haven't seen a system crippling bug in something like this is that it's not yet created or tied into the OS/browser combo.


Wait for it.

I have reservations about Google having their hand in so many aspects of our daily computing lives, and can't help but think there's a ton of data accruing on those that use it. What happens when some bright spark finds a hole and uses that to gain info about us?



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