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[RESOLVED] Unable to enter SPF records in Client Area DNS management

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Clients are unable to enter SPF records in Client Area DNS management, entering something like "v=spf1 a mx ip4: -all" results in only "v=" being returned.


Looks like over zealous string sanitising in the form.


Also can we have a delete options next the each record, I know that users can simply clear the record and save but it's not very user friendly.

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Clients are unable to enter SPF records in Client Area DNS management, entering something like "v=spf1 a mx ip4: -all" results in only "v=" being returned.


Looks like over zealous string sanitising in the form.


Also can we have a delete options next the each record, I know that users can simply clear the record and save but it's not very user friendly.


Ummm where do you see that? I don't see anything in WHMCS that allows manual entry of such records.

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It's a bug with their name/value pair API. Their API is sending responses as hostname1=A&ip1=xx.xx.xx.xx&hostname2=v=spf1 a mx ip4: -all&ip2=xx.xx.xx.xx and therefore the string splitting at = doesn't work for this kind of value. Fixed by using their XML response method for this call.



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