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[RESOLVED] Order Process


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I think what he means is that you can still use a custom order form, but you have to adopt it to work with the cart template system.


I do hope so... we've seen a 20% increase in people who don't complete the order process after moving to the cart. I'd really like to go back to the old system, but with the benefits of the technology upgrades in the cart system. Hopefully this will allow that to happen

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we've seen a 20% increase in people who don't complete the order process after moving to the cart

We went back to using order rather than cart as new sales dropped by over 35% when we implemented it - and we have numeous complaints about making the process "more awkward" from existing clients.

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BTW, I downloaded and installed 3.7 beta last night. The good news is that Matt's done a nice job integrating the single product order forms into the cart, and they look better than ever! The bad news is that using the cart backend means losing one key piece of functionality.... before, you were able to change your product or domain name on the order in progress.


So customer signs up for a 1GB plan for foo.com, and then realizes they want a 2GB plan. Used to be they could just change it... now, they have to hit 'Start Over', clearing out the entire existing order, and then recreating the plan from scratch. If they've configured a lot of options, this can be a major pain in the ass.


Will probably take a fair bit of work to change, but hopefully can be addressed in a future rev.



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  • 4 weeks later...


BTW, I downloaded and installed 3.7 beta last night. The good news is that Matt's done a nice job integrating the single product order forms into the cart, and they look better than ever! The bad news is that using the cart backend means losing one key piece of functionality.... before, you were able to change your product or domain name on the order in progress.


So customer signs up for a 1GB plan for foo.com, and then realizes they want a 2GB plan. Used to be they could just change it... now, they have to hit 'Start Over', clearing out the entire existing order, and then recreating the plan from scratch. If they've configured a lot of options, this can be a major pain in the ass.


Will probably take a fair bit of work to change, but hopefully can be addressed in a future rev.




Was this ever resolved with the stable release? (Reason I ask I am strongly considering of getting WHMCS and this could be a player in making my decision.)

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