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loggedin() outside WHMCS


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Sorry.. Save the first part as isloggedin.php


Then change "pathto/whmcs/isloggedin.php" in the second part to the correct path..


Yes.. that is what i did. I'm using WHMCS4, I don't know if that might help


Code in http://seahosting.net/yourside.php

if ($isloggedin){ echo "logged in to whmcs"; }

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if ($isloggedin){ echo "logged in to whmcs"; }



if ($isloggedin){ echo "logged in to whmcs"; }

And make sure you are logged in when accessing that page (client side) if your not logged in you would obviously get a blank page.

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treme[Z];108778']I got it working and now implemented on my website. 8)


Thanks for all the help. :-)


BTW: How do I make it welcome back $firstname ?


if ($_SESSION['uid']) {
$isloggedin = 'true';

// off the top of my head I can't recall if the session stores user info other than the ID. So otherwise you'd have to query the database here. Use WHERE id = $_SESSION['uid']



You can check what session info there is with:


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Try this:


something.php (located in the WHMCS dir

if ($_SESSION['uid']) {
$isloggedin = 'true';



if ($isloggedin){ echo "logged in to whmcs"; }



Thanks for this. This actually works :D


Based on this I have made improvements to your code to make it more fuller and css tag friendly. I also moved the IF conditional statement into the whmcs folder. Anyway here it is:


something.php (located in the WHMCS dir

if ($_SESSION['uid']) {
$result = mysql_query("SELECT firstname FROM tblclients WHERE id='".$_SESSION['uid']."' LIMIT 1;");
   while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
       echo "<p id='login'>".$_LANG['welcomeback'].', '.$row['firstname'].' | <a href="/whmcs/clientarea.php"><strong>'.$_LANG['clientareanavdetails'].'</strong></a> | <a href="/whmcs/logout.php"><strong>'.$_LANG['logouttitle'].'</strong></a></p>';
   echo "<p id='login'>".$_LANG['please'].' <a href="/whmcs/clientarea.php" title="Login"><bold>'.$_LANG['loginbutton'].'</bold></a> '.$_LANG['or'].' <a href="/whmcs/register.php" title="Register"><bold>'.$_LANG['clientregistertitle'].'</bold></a></p>';



yoursite.php (any php file outside whmcs folder)


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Does this trick still work?


I am using whmcs_v431 and $_SESSION['uid'] is always empty even when I am logged in.







I am using Version 4.3.1 and it is working fine. Are you using relative or absolute paths when you call the login_status.php using the php include method?


I discovered that this solution only works if you use relative paths instead of absolute paths.

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I have also tried relative path but still $_SESSION['uid'] doesn't have any values.


But I could be doing it wrongly. This is what I have done:

1. I have service/isloggedin.php with the content:



//echo $_SESSION['uid']." - _SESSION['uid']";

if ($_SESSION['uid']) {

$isloggedin = 'true';




2. Then in my header.php I have:



//echo $isloggedin." - isloggedin";

if ( $isloggedin ) {

?> Welcome,

<?php echo $clientsdetails['firstname'] } ?>



Both echo $_SESSION['uid'] and echo $isloggedin shows nothing even when logged in.


What could I be doing wrong? Please assist.





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Try copying and pasting my code exactly as shown (but update the paths and filenames where necessary).


I think your problem might be caused by having the IF statement on the wrong side. All IF statements should be in the isloggedin.php file. There should be no IF statements in the header.php file.

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This works fine in mine, but blows up the rest of the page as I also have announcements being displayed on the same page. The two requires for the dbconnect file are to blame (one for each include), but if I kill either call that include fails. Using "mysql_close();" does nothing, as I believe the connection is persistent.


Love to use this, but unless I can puzzle out how to get them both to play nice, I can't.

Suggestions welcome. ;)



Got it. Removed the dbconnect call from the included announcements file, and it uses the connection already established earlier in the page for the login switch.

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Most likely there could be a problem with my setup but I haven't managed to figure out source of problem. E.g. in service/isloggedin.php if I just put:




echo $_SESSION['uid']." - _SESSION['uid']";



The $_SESSION['uid'] shows nothing, whether I am logged in or not. Should't it give 'true' or 'false'?


So obviously the complete version will have $isloggedin not set.


Do I need to put session_start(); somewhere to get a value from $_SESSION['uid']?


Since most people have reported the method working for them I will assume my setup could be the issue. I will be very grateful for any clue.






Try copying and pasting my code exactly as shown (but update the paths and filenames where necessary).


I think your problem might be caused by having the IF statement on the wrong side. All IF statements should be in the isloggedin.php file. There should be no IF statements in the header.php file.

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I finally figured it out. It was a very stupid omission.


The reason for $_SESSION['uid'] being empty was that I was accessing WHMCS login via www. while the main website I was accessing without www. That made all the difference! Could not figure it out till a few hours ago.


Thanks WHMCS Support for that!









Just in case this could be a hint. When I do print_r ($_SESSION); I get:




[adminloggedinstatus] => true

[adminid] => 1

[adminpw] => fe591de2067a827ffd2da33f59e80697


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I'm trying to login into whmc from joomla and i need to know it the user has been logged in in order to remove the login form if the user is logged in.


For this I followed the instructions you guys kindly shared.


I have in /home/website/public_html/client/isin.php (the WHMCS install folder)


if ($_SESSION['uid']) {
$isloggedin = 'true';


In the /home/website/public_html/modules/mod_login/tmpl/default.php (the joomla login module)


if ($isloggedin == FALSE){ 

<form method="post" action="https://website.com/client/dologin.php">
<input id="modlgn_username" type="text" name="username" value="email" onclick="this.value=''" class="username" />
<input id="modlgn_passwd" type="password" name="password" value="password" onclick="this.value=''"class="password" />
<input type="submit" name="Submit"  class="submit" value="Login" />
<div style="border:#000000; padding:0 6px 0 0; float:right;">	
<a href="https://website.com/client/pwreset.php">Forgot your password?</a></div>
<input type="hidden" name="task" value="ulogin" />

<?php } ?>


I get an error that says the file can't be opened


Warning: require_once(home/website/public_html/client/isin.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/website/public_html/client/default.php on line 5


Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'home/website/public_html/client/isin.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /home/website/public_html/client/default.php on line 5


The path is correct, the file has proper permissions , I don't know what else to do.



Edited by bacterie
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Does the home directory not need a pre-pended slash?



Should be:



Also on that note your line of code that includes the database should be an absolute path as I believe it will look from the directory you are calling the include from (if its not calling from the same directory).



As well "session_start();" may be required in the isin.php file unless you have php setup to do this automatically.


And also this is a small issue but assigning a variable 'true' is setting the variable as a string and not the value of true. Remove the quotes and you can use less memory as well as have 2 less characters to type.

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Does the home directory not need a pre-pended slash?



Should be:



Also on that note your line of code that includes the database should be an absolute path as I believe it will look from the directory you are calling the include from (if its not calling from the same directory).



As well "session_start();" may be required in the isin.php file unless you have php setup to do this automatically.


And also this is a small issue but assigning a variable 'true' is setting the variable as a string and not the value of true. Remove the quotes and you can use less memory as well as have 2 less characters to type.




If I write the include like this include("/home/atom-hosting/public_html/client/isin.php"); i get a message that says:


Down for Maintenance

An upgrade is currently in progress... Please come back soon...


The isin.php is in the same directory as the dbconnect.php file.



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If I write the include like this include("/home/atom-hosting/public_html/client/isin.php"); i get a message that says:


Down for Maintenance

An upgrade is currently in progress... Please come back soon...


The isin.php is in the same directory as the dbconnect.php file.




yeah, im having the same issue with the "Down for Maintenance

An upgrade is currently in progress... Please come back soon..." error. I know I must be having a brain fart and missing something simple.

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