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WARNING: if you use twenty one cart template you might be missing out on sales entirely or at least just upsells


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Addons can't be selected after a billing term change when using the twenty one cart template. This could frustrate potential buyers into not ordering, or at minimum prevent you from upselling those addons.

This is a bug in the twenty one cart template javascript - they reload the addons section content dynamically and forgot to rebind the javascript to make it work again (fantastic job testing WHMCS devs!)


  • Add a product with an addon to your cart
  • When editing the product, change the billing term
  • Now attempt to add or remove an addon

Nothing will happen because the javascript to add/remove the addon isn't working. It's possible it works if you just click the checkbox with no visual indication (but who really cares if that's true; nobody would know)

I've reported this as a bug, they said "Yep, this is a bug... we'll get to it eventually, it's not really a priority. Probably only when we totally redo our cart template with WHMCS v9" was the gist of the reply, even though this means hundreds of WHMCS users currently can't upsell addons when someone changes their billing term during the checkout process.

They also said they'd consider releasing a hotfix only if enough people report the issue, so maybe I'm totally crazy and nobody uses the default cart that comes standard with WHMCS AND addons at the same time. But if you do, you should definitely complain to WHMCS support because apparently that's what it takes to get a hotfix released.

I could edit the javascript for them to fix it, but I'm *really* tired of doing their work for them. I have, in the past, gone so far as to submit bug fixes as pull requests on their GitHub repositories, just to have them ignore the PRs AND raise WHMCS prices. So, if they're not going to be kind enough to support their own product, why should I? This is the mentatlity WHMCS is incentivizing with these kinds of policies; I can't understand why they wouldn't rather have their community rally *around* them rather than against them, particularly alongside price increases.

Edited by websavers
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@websavers I think I reported this not too long ago as well.

I reported it during the last beta hoping they'd fix it there but they gave me a case number which I can't find at the moment. It's actually been happening for quite some time. They told me it's because it's not updating dynamically on the screen but the calculation is done correctly.

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