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disable email sending for specific customer


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Hello everyone.

Hope someone can guide me. Basically i am using whmcs for my telephone billing system. I have a fixed monthly cost for the customers which generating the invoice every month 1st day and working fine. issue with my customer previous month call charges. which i need to add manually in the invoice.

But because email is active so the customer always get the fixed recurring bill by email without the call charges. its very messy.

what i am looking for a option in the customer profile which will not send this customer any emails during cron automation..  is there any way to achieve this by may be build a hook? where in the hook i can add the customer db ID?  so my plan is after 1st day of the month i will add the calls charges in that invoice and then click send invoice button. and customer will get the invoice in email



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Would be nice if WHMCS supports this by default, but no at this time. What I have been done (not best solution) is to modified customers email that I do not want email to be sent autonamtically, them WHMCS will try to send and fails and later I will manually revert it and sent it. usually in admin custumer summary page I add original email, (some of copy and paste)....

it quite works for me because these customers never login to the customers area, but if it is not your case there is an issue, because if you modify email they can not login...yes I have this on my terms and use service that I do this, or even create fake emails to customers under my domain to allow that custumer to be registered on WHMCS.

I have some customers that do not have email, and amanualy we create it (sokalsondha@mydomain.com) etc etc...
It is shame that WHMCS do not create this optiopn by default.🤔

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