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Can I make WHMCS group domains on a single invoice by modifying tbldomains.nextduedate and tbldomains.nextinvoicedate ?


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I have customers with many domains and they complain about the fact that they receive too many invoices.

They receive a single invoice for every day there's at least one domain with a different duedate in WHMCS.


I have been breaking my head about this for a while now and I do wonder If I can make this work with a query like this?


UPDATE tbldomains SET nextduedate=concat(year(nextduedate),'-',month(nextduedate),'-1'), nextinvoicedate=concat(year(nextinvoicedate),'-',month(nextinvoicedate),'-1');


It will change the duedate and nextinvoicedate to the first of the month. But I wonder if I can do this, will it work?

Or will I break other WHMCS things by doing things like this?


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Yes, but if a customer has like 30 domains that will renew this month and 20 of them have a different expiry date. Then the cusomer receives 20 invoices this month.

I want to have the on a single invoice.

That's why I thought that changing the duedate to the first of the month will help but you say it will reset. But maybe I can disable the option of changing the duedates and use the SQL query above?

I'm unsure. And I don't want to break things.

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I agree it makes sense to have a single invoice.  I can't see a way in WHMCS as it is now that will work that way.

Consider if the single invoice contains 30 domains but the customer only wants to renew some of them. How would they notify you of which domains?  If they pay only a part of the invoice then the automation settings will renew some domains ( I suspect top-down from the list in the invoice ).  

Domain renewals are all anniversary based to the day. 

Perhaps an option would be to send an email on the 1st of each month stating the domains that are renewing this month and to access their client area to disable renewals on any that they wish to lapse.


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