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error whmcs gateway tokenised

Go to solution Solved by JesusSuarz,

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I hope you can assist me.

I am currently developing a tokenised remote storage gateway module using the ePayco PHP SDK. (I intend to release it for free once completed).

Here is some documentation on the matter:

WHMCS Tokenised Remote Storage: https://developers.whmcs.com/payment-gateways/tokenised-remote-storage/
GitHub Documentation: https://github.com/WHMCS/developer-docs/blob/master/payment-gateways/tokenised-remote-storage.md
WHMCS Example Token Gateway: https://github.com/WHMCS/sample-tokenisation-gateway-module/blob/master/modules/gateways/tokengateway.php
ePayco PHP SDK: https://github.com/epayco/epayco-php
ePayco API: https://api.epayco.co/#14ce0e39-2f4f-48bc-bb62-b4ef773fcb4b
ePayco Credit Card Test: https://docs.epayco.com/docs/medios-de-pruebas-1

Here is my current code, followed by the issue I am encountering:

 * WHMCS Sample Tokenisation Gateway Module
 * This sample module demonstrates how to create a merchant gateway module
 * that accepts input of pay method data locally and then exchanges it for
 * a token that is stored locally for future billing attempts.
 * As with all modules, within the module itself, all functions must be
 * prefixed with the module filename, followed by an underscore, and then
 * the function name. For this example file, the filename is "tokengateway"
 * and therefore all functions begin "tokengateway_".
 * For more information, please refer to the online documentation.
 * @see https://developers.whmcs.com/payment-gateways/
 * @copyright Copyright (c) WHMCS Limited 2019
 * @license http://www.whmcs.com/license/ WHMCS Eula

if (!defined("WHMCS")) {
    die("No se puede acceder a este archivo directamente");

require 'epayco_tokenizacion/vendor/autoload.php';

use Epayco\Epayco;

 * Define module related meta data.
 * Values returned here are used to determine module related capabilities and
 * settings.
 * @see https://developers.whmcs.com/payment-gateways/meta-data-params/
 * @return array
function epayco_tokenizacion_MetaData()
    return [
        'DisplayName' => 'ePayco Tokenizacion',
        'APIVersion' => '1.1', // Use API Version 1.1

 * Define gateway configuration options.
 * The fields you define here determine the configuration options that are
 * presented to administrator users when activating and configuring your
 * payment gateway module for use.
 * Supported field types include:
 * * text
 * * password
 * * yesno
 * * dropdown
 * * radio
 * * textarea
 * For more information, please refer to the online documentation.
 * @see https://developers.whmcs.com/payment-gateways/configuration/
 * @return array
function epayco_tokenizacion_config()
    return [
        'FriendlyName' => [
            'Type' => 'System',
            'Value' => 'ePayco Tokenizacion',
        'publicKey' => [
            'FriendlyName' => 'Public Key (PUBLIC_KEY)',
            'Type' => 'text',
            'Size' => '32',
            'Default' => '',
            'Description' => '<br/>Corresponde a la llave de autenticación en el API Rest, Proporcionado en su panel de clientes en la opción Configuración > Personalización > Llaves secretas.',
        'privateKey' => [
            'FriendlyName' => 'Private Key (PRIVATE_KEY)',
            'Type' => 'text',
            'Size' => '32',
            'Default' => '',
            'Description' => '<br/>Corresponde a la llave transacción de su cuenta, Proporcionado en su panel de clientes en la opción Configuración > Personalización > Llaves secretas.',
        // the yesno field type displays a single checkbox option
        'testMode' => [
            'FriendlyName' => 'Modo de pruebas',
            'Type' => 'yesno',
            'Description' => 'Habilite para activar el modo de pruebas',

 * Store payment details.
 * Called when a new pay method is added or an existing pay method is
 * requested to be updated or deleted.
 * @param array $params Payment Gateway Module Parameters
 * @see https://developers.whmcs.com/payment-gateways/tokenised-remote-storage/
 * @return array

 * Store remote card details.
 * This function handles the tokenization of a credit card using ePayco API.
 * @param array $params Payment gateway module parameters
 * @return array Result array containing status and possibly a token

 function epaycogateway_storeremote($params)
     $apiKey = $params['publicKey'];
     $privateKey = $params['privateKey'];
     $testMode = $params['testMode'];

     $epayco = new Epayco(
         ['apiKey' => $apiKey, 'privateKey' => $privateKey, 'test' => $testMode]
     $action = $params['action'];
     $remoteGatewayToken = $params['gatewayid'];
     $cardType = $params['cardtype'];
     $cardNumber = "4575623182290326";
     $cardExpiry = "1225";
     $cardCvv = "123";
     $firstName = $params['clientdetails']['firstname'];
     $lastName = $params['clientdetails']['lastname'];
     $email = $params['clientdetails']['email'];
     $address = $params['clientdetails']['address1'] . ' '
         . $params['clientdetails']['address2'];
     $city = $params['clientdetails']['city'];
     $state = $params['clientdetails']['state'];
     $postcode = $params['clientdetails']['postcode'];
     $country = $params['clientdetails']['country'];
     $phone = $params['clientdetails']['phonenumber'];
     $epaycoToken = $response = null;
     switch ($action) {
         case 'create':
             try {
                 $tokenResponse = $epayco->token->create([
                     'card[number]' => $cardNumber,
                     'card[exp_month]' => substr($cardExpiry, 0, 2),
                     'card[exp_year]' => '20'. substr($cardExpiry, 2, 2),
                     'card[cvc]' => $cardCvv,
                     'hasCvv' => true,
                 $epaycoToken = $tokenResponse->id;
                 $response = $epayco->customer->create([
                     'token_card' => $epaycoToken,
                     'name' => $firstName,
                     'last_name' => $lastName,
                     'email' => $email,
                     'address' => $address,
                     'city' => $city,
                     'state' => $state,
                     'country' => $country,
                     'phone' => $phone,
                     'postal_code' => $postcode,
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // Handle exceptions
                 $response = [
                     'error' => true,
                     'message' => $e->getMessage(),
         case 'update':
             // Handle updating
         case 'delete':
             // Handle deleting
     return [
         'status' => $response['error'] ? 'error' : 'success',
         'rawdata' => $response,
         'gatewayid' => $epaycoToken,

My problem:

The token is created successfully in the payment gateway, and the customer is registered. However, when I try to make a transaction using a test card, I receive the following message:

The following errors have occurred:
The credit card details you entered were declined. Please try a different card or contact support.

I am sending the card details because another issue I am facing is that the cardCvv is not being transmitted to the backend.

I have checked all the WHMCS configurations but didn't notice anything unusual. I also created a PHP file to test the card and SDK, which works correctly, so I'm at a loss for what the problem might be.

Does anyone have any insights on why I might be receiving this error?

I am hopeful for your assistance, thank you.


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  • 4 weeks later...


If you're facing issues with WHMCS gateway tokenization, start by double-checking your configuration and reviewing any error messages. Test with different payment methods and consult the documentation for guidance. If you're still stuck, reach out to support for assistance.

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  • Solution
16 minutes ago, Alex Cray said:


If you're facing issues with WHMCS gateway tokenization, start by double-checking your configuration and reviewing any error messages. Test with different payment methods and consult the documentation for guidance. If you're still stuck, reach out to support for assistance.

Hello, I solved this days ago, I have almost finished the development of my module. @Alex Cray

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