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upgraded from 3.1 to 3.51


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I was using whmcs v3.1 and just upgraded to 3.51.. kinda wish I didnt.


After I upgraded I noticed the "due subscription payments" table is now gone from the admin homepage (wish it wasnt) I then proceeded to generate the days invoices and when I did it generated invoices for all of my clients already on active paypal subscriptions.... So now all of my clients with subscriptions think they have an invoice due. This will lead to a lot of double payments. Why did whmcs do this? I don't need invoices for clients already on active subscriptions. Can someone please explain? everything seems all screwed up now.


I just went from having 15 unpaid invoices to like 193 unpaid now that I did this.


If the subscription payment goes through will the invoice get marked paid?


Im just noticing some big differences and its confusing me.

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Can someone please help me understand why it generated invoices for active subscriptions?


This is strange , I Noticed that few days ago as well, and it stopped tracking acitve subscriptions(Imported from MB) as it used to do on the Admin Page.

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yea, I even used my old admin homepage template and it still wont track due subscriptions on the admin homepage.


It is real annoying that it just generated about 200 invoices for already active subscriptions. I already have 30+ clients asking me what is going on. upgrading my whmcs just caused me to sit here and answer the same support questions over and over from clients wondering whats going on.


Matt, can you please step in and explain to me why it is doing this. should it be generating invoices for active subscriptions? If so, why? whats the point? Can I stop it from doing it in the future? Why was the 'due subscriptions' table removed from the admin home?

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Every due payment is invoiced. And yes, the subscriptions will automatically mark the invoice paid when they occur. Why was it done? It means subscriptions that go unpaid now get overdue notices, reminders, etc... It also means subscriptions can be created from any invoice easily. It was changed to bring it in line with all other gateways WHMCS has way back in version 3.3.



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the subscriptions will automatically mark the invoice paid when they occur.


The subscriptions imported from Different system (MB) will not be marked as paid as before , but then we had them in the admin area to mark them as paid and we could track them much easier.

why would i generate invoices and reminders if i know there subscriptions are active ?


I personally like the old system but i can live with it because i don't have that many subscriptions !

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why would i generate invoices and reminders if i know there subscriptions are active ?


this has lead to about 20 double payments this morning and several clients have opened 'unauthorized' disputes with paypal. (gotta watch paypal, they will close your account for things like too many disputes.)


they were all invoiced last night for subscriptions they were already on... some clients paid the invoices and then their previous subscription payments also went through. Now I have a ton of double billed clients, paypal disputes and a headache on my hands.


Im sure I will get this straightened out but Im kinda wishing I had a choice as to weather or not clients get invoiced for already active subscriptions. I wish I had an option as to use the new paypal system or to continue and use the old one. I dont like invoicing for active subscriptions..


Can I stop the system from sending invoices for active subscriptions?? If not, I think it needs to be an added option in the next release.

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We edited ours to say just that:

Dear [CustomerName],


This is a notice that an invoice has been generated on [invoiceDate].


Your chosen payment method is: [PaymentMethod]


If your payment method is PayPal Invoices you must log in each month and make this payment manually.

If your payment method is PayPal Subscriptions or 2CO, payments are automated and no further action is required.

...and so on...

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Yes, but I dont like to remind customers that they have an upcoming automated payment. 4 clients have asked that I dont send them these upcoming payment reminders but I can't stop it... perhaps I will have an option to control that in the next release of whmcs. I just wish I had an option to control that now, it would solve my problem if it was an option to do it this way or not.


As of now, I did modify my invoices.


Matt, please make this a selectable option in the next release.

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We edited ours to say just that:

Dear [CustomerName],


This is a notice that an invoice has been generated on [invoiceDate].


Your chosen payment method is: [PaymentMethod]


If your payment method is PayPal Invoices you must log in each month and make this payment manually.

If your payment method is PayPal Subscriptions or 2CO, payments are automated and no further action is required.


...and so on...


You have to add it to the Invoice reminder as well , and i find all this emails very annoying !

It will be good to have an option not to send Invoices if a subscription exists.

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yea, Im not saying the system shouldnt create the invoice, but it should ONLY email them if the subscription is not active anymore. It makes no sense (from the clients point of view) to get an invoice for something they are already paying for.



another idea, it could create the invoice, but only email/notify the client if the subscription is overdue.



Also - While im at it, I have a question about how things work in 3.5.1:


Lets say a clients subscription gets cancelled early.. but too early for an invoice yet. In the past, they could login to the client area and click the 'paynow' button anytime to re-create a subscription on their own. How do they do that now? The button is no longer an option. How do they re-create their own subscriptions in v3.5.1? Or do I have to manually invoice them early? When invoicing them, how do I get the invoice to attach to their existing hosting package?

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yes, but how do they re-subscribe if the subscription gets cancelled early?



a client updates thie cc details with paypal and as a result thier subscriptions get cancelled.


Now if this happens before an invoice is generated, how do they resubscribe before the invoice is sent? In the past, they could have just signed in to their client area and clicked the 'paynow' button to re-setup a subscription on their own. If they did this early, the subscription would say free for 20 days or something and then 19.95 each month after.


It seems clients now need to contact me to generate an invoice for them if they want to re-subscribe early.


I currently have a client that cancelled early by mistake and needs an invoice sent to him... problem is his invoice wont get generated for another 5 days. So he wants an invoice early. How do I do that? Do I just invoice him the amount? How do I let whmcs know that invoice is for his hosting account?? In other words, how do I link the new invoice to his existing hosting account? He has several hosting packages, how will whmcs know which package I am generating the new invoice for?

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I also noticed the emails I get from paypal no longer state the package name and domain of the order:



"Dear MyBusiness,


Client's Name just signed up for a subscription to MyBusiness (hosting plan 1) - customerdomainname.net."




"Dear MyBusiness,


Client's Name just signed up for a subscription to MyBusiness - Invoice #490882."




Is there a way to change that to say something like this or similar:


"Client's Name just signed up for a subscription to MyBusiness - Invoice #490882 (customerdomainname.net)."

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