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Admin \ Clients \ Domain Registrations page very SLOW

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Ok brand new install of WHMCS 8.1.3 on a fairly fast GCP N1 VM.

Most pages in WHMCS admin area load in less than ~600ms.

The Clients \ Domain Registrations page takes more than > ~8000ms to load only 61 domains!

Why is this page taking so long to load? Normally I would try to dissect the code and find the problem... but it's closed source.

Querying the tbldomains in phpMyAdmin Query took 0.0008 seconds. Seems pretty fast.

Could it be the Domain Registrars module? I'm using Synergy Wholesale. https://github.com/SynergyWholesale/WHMCS-Domains-Module.

Is WHMCS querying my Registrar every time I load this page? If so why? The cron job is set to do domain sync every 4 hours and that all is working fine.

Just looking for some insight here.



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On 13/06/2021 at 01:31, TecMate said:

The Clients \ Domain Registrations page takes more than > ~8000ms to load only 61 domains!

Why is this page taking so long to load? Normally I would try to dissect the code and find the problem... but it's closed source.

take out the pricing table code from domainregister.tpl and see if that improves the time!

On 13/06/2021 at 01:31, TecMate said:

Could it be the Domain Registrars module? I'm using Synergy Wholesale. https://github.com/SynergyWholesale/WHMCS-Domains-Module.

Is WHMCS querying my Registrar every time I load this page? If so why? The cron job is set to do domain sync every 4 hours and that all is working fine.

it shouldn't be that.

On 13/06/2021 at 01:31, TecMate said:

Just looking for some insight here.

it's a badly designed page and often doesn't happily work well when there are a lot of priced TLDs... by a lot, i'm thinking hundreds.... 61 TLDs is not an unreasonable amount to expect to work without issue... for example, this page has about 2000 TLDs listed and takes 15 secs to load (still a long time though).

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