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Configurable Options with one-time fee, say Monthly in totals.

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So, we have a service the customer buys and in doing so, they chose which device they want to buy to access the service.  It's a one time fee, not a recurring fee like the service it...  But in the Order Summary, it shows it as "Monthly" just like the service.   We only want the monthly service they are ordering to be monthly... the device they buy is only a one time fee.  I've looked over all the settings and they seem to be set properly.  

Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding how this works?  If I am misunderstanding that a one-time fee can't be an option for a monthly service... then any suggestions?

The service we are selling, requires a device.  We don't want the customer being billed for the device every month... but we also want the order process to be as easy as possible.  

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Forgive me... I forgot some key points.

I have it set up as a Product/Service for the service they are ordering which is recurring monthly.  Then in "Configurable Options" they must select which device to purchase and that is set up as a one-time fee.

I do have Add-On options and those calculate properly... But I really don't want to do the required device that way, because then, it doesn't MAKE them choose a device at all.

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8 hours ago, garybarr said:

I have it set up as a Product/Service for the service they are ordering which is recurring monthly.  Then in "Configurable Options" they must select which device to purchase and that is set up as a one-time fee.



When should I use configurable options instead of addons?

  • If you want to offer a choice of options for a single thing - for example Disk Space, Operating System, Locations, etc...
  • If you want the total amount to be billed as a single item and not separately
  • When the billing cycle of the configurable option (addon) must match the billing cycle of the product

When should I use addons instead of configurable options?

  • If the item is a one-off service
  • If it can be selected independently of other items
  • If it should be billed on its own cycle - eg. an SSL certificate might be billed annually regardless of the package cycle
  • Not subject to prorata at a product level or client-wide signup anniversary prorata.

I think using configurable options would not be the best solution here.

8 hours ago, garybarr said:

We don't want the customer being billed for the device every month... but we also want the order process to be as easy as possible.  

would it be a better/easier option to add a setup fee to the product and use that to pay for the device choice ? possibly the name of that fee would need to be changed...

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