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eNom Configuration

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I moved my install to a new server, so disconnected eNom and created a new API at eNom, and added the IP to eNom as well.  When connecting WHMCS to eNom I get an error (see screenshot)

I can CONFIRM that the Username and API are correct.  Not sure why i am getting this error. There is no place for me to add a password... only username and API.  How can I resolve this?


Screen Shot 2021-02-13 at 8.33.02 AM.png

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  • 10 months later...

I am having exactly the same "bad username or password" problem BUT I am sure I have coped and pasted the API token correctly. And I surely know my reseller username since I have been an eNom reseller for many years. I'm baffled.

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I was advised on chat to enable Display Errors via Configuration > System Settings > General Settings > Other Tab and then try again. I did that and it worked, although I have no idea why it worked since no errors appeared. I then turned Display Errors off.

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