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twenty-one: Delete the "Auto Renew" in the sidebar


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5 hours ago, J-B said:

Anyone a idea?

if you don't want your clients to have the option of manually renewing their domains on demand, then you can disable the feature from general settings -> domains.



The ability for clients to place domain renewal orders from the client area can be switched on and off.  When disabled, customers will need to pay the auto-renew invoice to renew their domain.  Read on to find out how.

Navigate to Configuration > System Settings > General Settings > Domains (Setup > General Settings > Domains in WHMCS 7.10 and earlier).

Check or uncheck Enable Renewal Orders as desired.

Click Save Changes.

Client Area Display

The Client Area, with renewal orders disabled:


The Client Area, with renewal orders enabled:


once disabled, then that should remove the link from the navbar and sidebar.

if you want to keep the feature enabled, but just remove the link from the sidebar, then that's either going to require a hook or CSS.

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