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Automatic applying of Promo Code


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You can add this code:

{if $productinfo.type eq "hostingaccount"}<input type="hidden" name="promocode" value="YourCode" /> {/if}

to configureproduct.tpl

juste after 

<form id="frmConfigureProduct">
                <input type="hidden" name="configure" value="true" />
                <input type="hidden" name="i" value="{$i}" />


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Can you tell me in which of these


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16 hours ago, Harii said:

Can somebody help me how to make automatic applying of promo code in the drop down (Billing Cycle Section) in WHMCS Order Page like in Picture !

rather than adding the promo code at the configuration stage, and especially if there are multiple products and/or multiple different promo codes, it would be easier to add it to the products page, or on links from your main site (wherever they are making their initial choice of product).



To automatically apply a promotion code to the order, you can append &promocode=xxxx to any of the cart links, but on its own the link would look like this:


so if these were separate links, you could specify product, billing cycle and promocode in them.

altering products.tpl to add a promo code is simple enough, but the user won't have chosen a billing cycle by then... and if you're using different promo codes per cycle, then editing products.tpl might not be an option.

14 hours ago, Harii said:

And one more thing i have four (4) products and im offering in Annually, Biennially, Triennially terms and how to make for all of these !

if they're percentage discounts, it shouldn't really matter... but I suppose you're going to tell me they're different promo codes with fixed amount discounts per product and per cycle. 😲

you could use a hook to add the promocode based on the current product, but because the cart can only use one promocode at a time, you could run into issues if the user tried to add 2 separate products that each had their own promo code assigned to it.... that might be a good thing, but if you went down that road, you would have to determine which product / promocode took priority.

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  • 4 years later...

I successfully create a hook for apply multiple promos on different products.

Here an example of 2 promo codes in 1 product.
Promo codes automatically applied on Annually and Biennially terms

just create a php file in /includes/hook

and add below code



if (!defined("WHMCS")) {
    die("This file cannot be accessed directly");

use WHMCS\Database\Capsule;

function add_custom_js_to_cart_page($vars) {
    if ($vars['filename'] == 'cart') {
        <script type="text/javascript">
            document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
                // Detect "Business Package" and billing cycle
                const isBusinessPackage = document.querySelector('.item-title') && document.querySelector('.item-title').textContent.includes("Business Package");
                const isMonthly = document.body.innerHTML.includes('<span class="cycle">Monthly</span>');
                const isAnnually = document.body.innerHTML.includes('<span class="cycle">Annually</span>');
                const isBiennially = document.body.innerHTML.includes('<span class="cycle">Biennially</span>');

                let promoCode = "";

                // Condition 1: If "Business Package" + "Monthly" is found → No promo
                if (isBusinessPackage && isMonthly) {
                    console.log("Monthly detected, no promo applied.");

                // Condition 2: If "Business Package" + "Annually" is found, apply BUSINESS1
                if (isBusinessPackage && isAnnually) {
                    promoCode = "BUSINESS1";

                // Condition 3: If "Business Package" + "Biennially" is found, apply BUSINESS2
                if (isBusinessPackage && isBiennially) {
                    promoCode = "BUSINESS2";

                // If a promo code is determined, apply it only ONCE per page load
                if (promoCode) {
                    let currentPromo = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get("promocode");

                    if (currentPromo !== promoCode) {
                        console.log("Applying promo code: " + promoCode);
                        window.location.href = window.location.pathname + "?a=view&promocode=" + promoCode;
                    } else {
                        console.log("Promo already applied: " + promoCode);

add_hook('ClientAreaHeadOutput', 1, 'add_custom_js_to_cart_page');


my product name is Business Package and promo codes are BUSINESS1 and BUSINESS2

you need to modify the code as your requirements, you also use any ai for modify the code.

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