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I need help to translate this


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I would like to get some help translating "Payment Methods" in customer account. This is a screenshot:



I just upgraded WHMCS to version 7.8.3 and apparently his nis a new section added to this update. 


Note: I already have created a overrides file in spanish. I just need to know what to put there.


Thank you.

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$_LANG['paymentMethods']['title'] = "Payment Methods";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['intro'] = "An overview of your payment methods and settings.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['addNewCC'] = "Add New Credit Card";

changing 'title' should change both sidebar and title heading...

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Thank you so much. It worked fine. The problem is that I have some more sections that I need to translate too. Here some screenshots:





I am not sure is there is a way to know, how to find the correct name or code for that section to be translated, for example: paymentMethods

Finally, I don't understand how WHMCS upgrades without translating.


Thank you.

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5 minutes ago, ocastaned said:

I am not sure is there is a way to know, how to find the correct name or code for that section to be translated, for example: paymentMethods

the usual two ways to do it would be to either check the appropriate template and see what a particular string is called, or do a search to find the string in the language file, e.g spanish.php - and hope that it only occurs once in the file... if it occurs multiple times, then it's usually trial & error to find the right one.

in the case of Payment Methods, they all seem to be in the same block, so hopefully changing the strings below will solve the issues..

$_LANG['paymentMethods']['title'] = "Payment Methods";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['intro'] = "An overview of your payment methods and settings.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['description'] = "Description";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['cardDescription'] = "Card Description";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['descriptionInput'] = "Enter a name for this card";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['fieldRequired'] = "This field is required.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['close'] = "Close";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['saveChanges'] = "Save Changes";

$_LANG['paymentMethods']['addedSuccess'] = "Payment method added successfully";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['addFailed'] = "Payment method failed to create successfully. Please try again.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['updateSuccess'] = "Payment method updated successfully";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['saveFailed'] = "Payment method failed to save changes. Please try again.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['defaultUpdateSuccess'] = "Default payment method updated successfully";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['defaultUpdateFailed'] = "Unable to update the default payment method. Please try again.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['deleteSuccess'] = "The payment method was deleted successfully";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['deleteFailed'] = "Failed to delete the selected payment method. Please try again.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['addNewCC'] = "Add New Credit Card";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['addNewBank'] = "Add New Bank Account";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['name'] = "Name";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['status'] = "Status";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['actions'] = "Actions";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['default'] = "Default";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['setAsDefault'] = "Set as default";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['edit'] = "Edit";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['delete'] = "Delete";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['noPaymentMethodsCreated'] = "No payment methods have been created yet";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['areYouSure'] = "Are you sure?";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['deletePaymentMethodConfirm'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this payment method? This action cannot be undone.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['type'] = "Type";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['requestCancelled'] = "Payment method request cancelled";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['retry'] = "Retry";

$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['editPaymentMethod'] = "Edit Payment Method";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['addPaymentMethod'] = "Add New Payment Method";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['invalidCardDetails'] = "The card number you entered appears to be invalid. Please try again.";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['creditCard'] = "Credit Card";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['bankAccount'] = "Bank Account";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['optional'] = "(Optional)";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['cardNumberNotValid'] = "The card number you entered does not appear to be valid.";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['expiryDateNotValid'] = "The expiry date you entered does not appear to be valid.";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['cvcNumberNotValid'] = "The CVC number you entered does not appear to be valid.";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['accountType'] = "Account Type";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['checking'] = "Checking";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['savings'] = "Savings";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['accountHolderName'] = "Account Holder Name";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['bankName'] = "Bank Name";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['sortCodeRoutingNumber'] = "Sort Code/Routing Number";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['routingNumberNotValid'] = "The routing number you entered does not appear to be valid.";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['accountNumber'] = "Account Number";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['accountNumberNotValid'] = "The bank account number you entered does not appear to be valid.";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['addNewAddress'] = "Add a new address";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['addNewBillingAddress'] = "Add new billing address";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['unsupportedCardType'] = "We are unable to accept the card type you entered. Please use a different card.";
9 minutes ago, ocastaned said:

Finally, I don't understand how WHMCS upgrades without translating.

it's often simpler for WHMCS to just give everyone the English strings and let the users translate it themselves - although I agree that WHMCS should do these translation themselves before release (it can't take that long for them to do!), but I suspect they were focussed more on getting the coding working in v7.8, rather than updating these language strings. 🙄

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