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Picture behind the domain search on homepage


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I'm trying to add a picture behind the domain search on the home page but it's not working. 

I haven't changed anything in the header.tpl but added below code to custom.css

section#home-banner {
   background-image: url('link to png picture');

I've checked and the link works but the CSS isn't working, I've also stripped of background colour from the style.css just to check if it does anything but the background stays blue

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17 hours ago, WaveTech said:

I haven't changed anything in the header.tpl but added below code to custom.css -  I've checked and the link works but the CSS isn't working,

that should work (with or without the single quotes) - and looking at your site, I see that it now is. 🙂

17 hours ago, WaveTech said:

I've also stripped of background colour from the style.css just to check if it does anything but the background stays blue

I thinks styles.css is no longer used and is just a legacy file...


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I don't see the banner image... is there something I'm doing that is causing that? 

Also i worked with changing the Header and Footer and each time  I changed the header for one I wanted the orders stopped working, it would allow me to pick a product I want e.g. hosting and then get the domain name sorted and it would just throw me back to the products page instead and I could do this in a loop

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19 hours ago, WaveTech said:

I don't see the banner image... is there something I'm doing that is causing that? 

aah you had it working yesterday when I looked at your site (it would be a weird coincidence if there were multiple wavetech sites out there, using WHMCS and having the same issue!) - it's still in your custom.css, but it's not working now. 🙄

section#home-banner {
   background-image: url("https://domain.com/templates/six/css/domainbanner.png");

it looked like this yesterday...


try putting the URL in double quotes and it should work - if it doesn't, throw an !important in as well, but double quoting should work.

section#home-banner {background-image: url("https://domain.com/templates/six/css/domainbanner.png");}

if I make that tweak to your css in the browser (just adding the double quotes), then it works again on your site...


so hopefully just making the above tweak to custom.css will resolve this for you.

19 hours ago, WaveTech said:

Also i worked with changing the Header and Footer and each time  I changed the header for one I wanted the orders stopped working, it would allow me to pick a product I want e.g. hosting and then get the domain name sorted and it would just throw me back to the products page instead and I could do this in a loop

what did you remove from either template file ?

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36 minutes ago, brian! said:

so hopefully just making the above tweak to custom.css will resolve this for you.

I will try this now

36 minutes ago, brian! said:

what did you remove from either template file ?

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Above you can see what I've taken out of the header

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I don't like the look of the comment disabler before body - I would have thought it would be nice to keep the body tag in and working! 🙂

i'd be tempted to move the <!-- Extra--> block of css links into /includes/head.tpl - not least so that all css calls are in the one file and you're not duplicating links (e.g Open+Sans is in both).

with regards to body, I would change...

<body data-phone-cc-input="{$phoneNumberInputStyle}">


<section id="header">



<body data-phone-cc-input="{$phoneNumberInputStyle}">

<section id="header">

that also leaves {$headeroutout} available should you ever need to use a ClientAreaHeaderOutput hook - from your current changes, that would not be possible.

also, you've removed sidebars from the pages, which could cause navigational issues down the road depending on the page if there are no alternate link methods provided.

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