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Need Help Installing GD 2 on server


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Hi, I have an unmanaged dedicated server and need someone who can install, or guide me through it, GD 2 on my server. The tech guys for my server told me to find the address and use the wget "address to files" to install it. I have searched the internet and can't find these wget files. I can download a .zip and a .tar file, but don't know what to do with it after that.


I really need this done ASAP and I am sure it is no problem for most of you.


I can connect to my server via SSH, but I barely know how to do that.



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wget is a function to download a file from the internet to your server. So if GD 2 was in located in




in ssh it will look like

root@server [~]# wget [url]http://www.domain.com/gd2.zip[/url]

There are more functions to wget if you open up SSH and type

root@server [~]# wget --help 

A full list should show with all the functions of using wget.




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wget is a function to download a file from the internet to your server. So if GD 2 was in located in




in ssh it will look like

root@server [~]# wget [url]http://www.domain.com/gd2.zip[/url]

There are more functions to wget if you open up SSH and type

root@server [~]# wget --help 

A full list should show with all the functions of using wget.




Thanks Adam I uploaded the zip file to my server and conected via ssh. This is what I did.

Typed in:


This is what I got in return:

--12:54:20--  [url]http://www.specialtywebsolutions.com/gd-2.0.33.zip[/url]
          => `gd-2.0.33.zip'
Resolving [url]www.MyDomain.com[/url]... MyIpAddress
Connecting to www.MyDomain.com|MyIpAdress|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 626,058 (611K) [application/zip]

100%[====================================>] 626,058       --.--K/s

12:54:20 (53.08 MB/s) - `gd-2.0.33.zip' saved [626058/626058]

I substitued my domain name and ip address, don't know if I needed to or not.

Now what do I do? Is this all? I think I would have to install something...


Thanks again

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how can i make it more simple. SSH into your server, login as root, then type in:

yum install php-gd

Then press enter. It will hopefully find the library and ask you to press Y or N for yes or no. Press Y.


If you cant follow those directions and you have an unmanaged server, your in huge trouble.


p.s. Fix your forum signature, no reason to pass your images in https

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how can i make it more simple. SSH into your server, login as root, then type in:
yum install php-gd

Then press enter. It will hopefully find the library and ask you to press Y or N for yes or no. Press Y.


If you cant follow those directions and you have an unmanaged server, your in huge trouble.


p.s. Fix your forum signature, no reason to pass your images in https


I did just as you said, and it didn't work. Here is what I did:

root@server1 [~]# yum install php-gd
-bash: yum: command not found
root@server1 [~]#

I updated my sig.


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yeah, i saw that, but its a littte above him. He needs to talk to his host about them setting up yum for him. Pretty sad it doesnt already have it. i dont use Fedora and i dont know his setup, its its pretty hard to step him through anything.

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yeah, i saw that, but its a littte above him. He needs to talk to his host about them setting up yum for him. Pretty sad it doesnt already have it. i dont use Fedora and i dont know his setup, its its pretty hard to step him through anything.


My host will not do anything, I guess I unknowingly leased an unmanaged dedicated server...


I don't think it is hard to "step me through anything" I am pretty resourceful and I do know how to follow directions. All you did was reply to my post with

yum install php-gd 

and that did nothing... That isn't walking me through anything, I don't know much about ssh and the server backend, but I can follow instructions.


I appreciate all the help people are willing to give, but please do not jump to conclusions with my abilities....



Actually this is what you replied with, "yum is so much easier =P" Then you followed with "I don't know why you didn't do what I suggested"

How is that direction?

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I never said anything about not knowing why it didnt work. The link provide


When i said i couldnt step you through it, i wasnt insulting you. I was talking about your system and not knowing what is going on there. The fact that you dont have yum installed is a very very bad sign. You really should consider getting a managed server or do some type of maintenance contract with someone. Your server is most likely completely unsecure with an outdated kernel.


These directions should help you install yum:




Then you can do the simple yum command that i mentioned earlier to setup php-gd

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I never said anything about not knowing why it didnt work. The link provide


When i said i couldnt step you through it, i wasnt insulting you. I was talking about your system and not knowing what is going on there. The fact that you dont have yum installed is a very very bad sign. You really should consider getting a managed server or do some type of maintenance contract with someone. Your server is most likely completely unsecure with an outdated kernel.


These directions should help you install yum:




Then you can do the simple yum command that i mentioned earlier to setup php-gd


Sorry about the misunderstanding...

I went through the process after following the link you gave me, uploaded files via ssh, only to find out that I am running Redhat Enterprise...


Sorry about that and I do appreciate your help, could you point me in the right direction now...



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which version of RHEL are you using, 3 or 4? If its 4, follow these directions:


COMMANDPROMPT: mkdir /usr/local/src/yum


Press enter.


COMMANDPROMPT: cd /usr/local/src/yum


Press enter.


COMMANDPROMPT: wget ftp://centos.cs.ucr.edu/centos/4.3/os/i386/CentOS/RPMS/yum-2.4.2-2.centos4.noarch.rpm


Press enter.


COMMANDPROMPT: rpm -Uvh yum-2.4.2-2.centos4.noarch.rpm


Press enter.


COMMANDPROMPT: yum install php-gd


Press enter


Press y, then enter.

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which version of RHEL are you using, 3 or 4? If its 4, follow these directions:


COMMANDPROMPT: mkdir /usr/local/src/yum


Press enter.


COMMANDPROMPT: cd /usr/local/src/yum


Press enter.


COMMANDPROMPT: wget http://centos.cs.ucr.edu/centos/4/apt/i386/RPMS.os/yum-2.4.0-1.centos4.noarch.rpm


Press enter.


COMMANDPROMPT: rpm -Uvh yum-2.4.0-1.centos4.noarch.rpm


Press enter.


COMMANDPROMPT: yum install php-gd


Press enter


Press y, then enter.


Ok I tried what you said and this is what happened:

I ran the code but the rpm wget http://centos.cs.ucr.edu/centos/4/apt/i386/RPMS.os/yum-2.4.0-1.centos4.noarch.rpm wasn't there, I had to change it to yum-2.4.2-2.centos4.noarch.rpm


root@server1 [/usr/local/src/yum]# rpm -Uvh yum-2.4.2-2.centos4.noarch.rpm
warning: yum-2.4.2-2.centos4.noarch.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 443e1821
error: Failed dependencies:
       python-elementtree is needed by yum-2.4.2-2.centos4.noarch
       python-sqlite is needed by yum-2.4.2-2.centos4.noarch
       urlgrabber is needed by yum-2.4.2-2.centos4.noarch
       yumconf is needed by yum-2.4.2-2.centos4.noarch
root@server1 [/usr/local/src/yum]#


I am assuming that there are alot more things that need to be installed...


Can you still help, I thank you and can pay for your services.


Oh and it is version 4

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