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Gateway Fees

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This Mod will allow you to add charges based in the gateway used by client.


Automatically gets all the payment methods you selected.


Adds the additional fee from the beginning of the ordering process, both basket and invoice without adding code to a file.


The additional fee is calculated automatically, depending on the gate and the currency selected by the customer.


The unit will inform your customers with accurate information about the additional fees from the beginning of their order.


The mod to version 6. x. x is compatible with all Order Forms (Baskets).


The version is compatible with 5.3.13 (Boxes, Cart, Comparison, Verticalsteps) Order Forms (Baskets).



Buy Now this Mod and adjust it to the needs of your business.



You will find it here!

Edited by astakos
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  nanobitpro said:




It looks like by your rush to answer first,you didn't read the characteristics of the mod.


May you read only the title?


You wish to be the same mod, but it isn't.


The free mod you mentioned, it shows the fees only in the invoice.


This mod shows fees both invoice and basket, so to be in the knowledge of the customer from the beginning that his order has extras fees.


At your disposal.



Commercial mod 2.JPG

free mod 1.JPG

free mod 2.JPG

Commercial mod 1.JPG

Edited by astakos
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We've added more features and is available for download in version 2.2.1


To upgrade to the new version go Setup/Addon Modules and disabling Gateway Fees 2.2, upload the new files to replace the old, and activation Gateway Fees 2.2.1.


New feature V 2.2.1


Various fixes for appearance and functionality.


Added multilanguage Admin.


Now we can exclude customers from the charges of payment methods.

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  • 3 months later...

For some reason this module will add the fees to invoices as per the payment option used, but if a client is using paypal then a paypal subscription will take the correct payment for the first payment and then set up the recurring payment of just the product change and not include the gateway fee,


so clients will always end up with unpaid invoices as WHMCS will assume its unpaid as not all the invoice total has been paid.

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  • 4 months later...



Gateway Fees V 2.2.4


We've added more features and is available for download in version 2.2.4



New feature V 2.2.4


1) We have added the ability to charge VAT on additional reservations, the possibility to be able to disable it.

2) we have added the ability to be able to disable the Paypal subscriptions, resulting to not display the additional Fee's on the invoice.

3) We add to shopping cart information for payment.

4) Now calculates the Fee from the final total amount, rather than the net amount.

5) We have added to the invoice multilingual text.

6) We make corrections and changes to the code.


You will find it here!

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