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domainchecker page behaviour


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I am doing some tests, and when selecting a domain that is not available I get the message:

"Sorry! example.com is already taken!"

And below it the list like

example.com unavailable www whois

example.biz unavailable www whois

with a red "order now" button


But I don't get suggestions for alternate TLDs, is this normal, or do I have to add some code for it to happen.

From here I tried an availabale domain, and it took me to the cart page with green button.


Then from homepage I tried an available domain, and in the domainchecker page I got a list of all TLDs, and I had to recheck for availability in order to get to same page with

example.com Available! Order Now price

with a red "order now" button


What can be the cause?


Thank you

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But I don't get suggestions for alternate TLDs, is this normal, or do I have to add some code for it to happen.

i'm assuming when you say 'TLDs', you're really talking about a name suggestion tool. :?:


TLDs are the domain extension part (.com, .net etc), so you can already suggest alternate TLDs within WHMCS.




Bulk Check TLDs


Select additional TLDs to be automatically checked when a customer looks up a domain’s availability on the shopping cart. For example, they search for example.com, you can also show them the results for example.net, example.org and example.co.uk. This is a great way to upsell your customers. Hold Ctrl and left-click to select multiple TLDs.


Note: This only applies to the shopping cart process and not the bulk domain checker.



there are name suggestion addons you can use, depending on your registrar(s), that will display alternative suggestions - ResellerClubMods offers one, the Hexonet addon may do it too - though I think you might have to use those registrars... and there is a paid Enom Pro addon that can do this too.




as sentq mentions, there is a name suggestion tool included with v6 - but you will need to have an Enom account in order to use it.




With the new eNom Namespinner feature in WHMCS 6.0, when a customer visits your website to look for a domain, they can simply enter their desired keywords, and the Namespinner will provide intelligent suggestions for both the domain SLD and TLD extension.


One big question we know many of you will be wondering is does this mean I can only use the Namespinner for domains I register with eNom? And no, the answer is the Namespinner can be used for all domain searches performed in your WHMCS installation, regardless of the registrar you ultimately use to register them.

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Thank you both.



Yes, and I think that is causing some strange behaviour.



i'm assuming when you say 'TLDs', you're really talking about a name suggestion tool.

TLDs are the domain extension part (.com, .net etc), so you can already suggest alternate TLDs within WHMCS.

No, I am talking about TLDs, and I had seen that "little" link, and actually clicked on it, though not testing it, as from the text area layout I assumed you have to type all the domains yourself, whereas I mean if I am searching for example.com, and it is not available I would be offered the alternatives with the SAME name, but different TLD to choose from.



I turned to the default template, and there seems to be the issue, and noticed that regardless of that, if the domain is unavailable the order button is there, and it is red, though it shouldn't be there, or should not say "order now", but even if it is available it is red, which is even worse.


I changed it to green, but it's confusing the same.


How can I replace the red button with text if unavailable, or different text on red button, and if available keep the green button?

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No, I am talking about TLDs, and I had seen that "little" link, and actually clicked on it, though not testing it, as from the text area layout I assumed you have to type all the domains yourself, whereas I mean if I am searching for example.com, and it is not available I would be offered the alternatives with the SAME name, but different TLD to choose from.

when you say textarea, do you mean you're using the bulk domain registration tool ?


demo -> https://demo.whmcs.com/domainchecker.php?search=bulk


if so, I think it just checks the availability of the domains that you enter in there (upto 20), and doesn't offer any alternative TLD options... which makes sense as searching alternatives for potentially 20 domains could take a long time!


if you're just using the standard domainchecker, then it should offer alternate TLDs that you've highlighted in the Bulk TLD List.



I turned to the default template, and there seems to be the issue, and noticed that regardless of that, if the domain is unavailable the order button is there, and it is red, though it shouldn't be there, or should not say "order now", but even if it is available it is red, which is even worse.


I changed it to green, but it's confusing the same.


How can I replace the red button with text if unavailable, or different text on red button, and if available keep the green button?

you'll need to modify the domainchecker.tpl template and replace...


{foreach from=$availabilityresults key=num item=result}
           <td class="textcenter">{if $result.status eq "available"}<input type="checkbox" name="domains[]" value="{$result.domain}" {if $num eq "0" && $available}checked {/if}/><input type="hidden" name="domainsregperiod[{$result.domain}]" value="{$result.period}" />{else}X{/if}</td>
           <td class="textcenter {if $result.status eq "available"}domcheckersuccess{else}domcheckererror{/if}">{if $result.status eq "available"}{$LANG.domainavailable}{else}{$LANG.domainunavailable}{/if}</td>
           <td class="textcenter">{if $result.status eq "unavailable"}<a href="http://{$result.domain}" target="_blank">WWW</a> <a href="#" onclick="popupWindow('whois.php?domain={$result.domain}','whois',650,420);return false">WHOIS</a>{else}<select name="domainsregperiod[{$result.domain}]">{foreach key=period item=regoption from=$result.regoptions}<option value="{$period}">{$period} {$LANG.orderyears} @ {$regoption.register}</option>{/foreach}</select>{/if}</td>

<p align="center"><input type="submit" value="{$LANG.ordernowbutton} »" class="btn btn-warning" /></p>



{foreach from=$availabilityresults key=num item=result}
           <td class="textcenter">{if $result.status eq "available"}{assign var="domainavail" value="true"}<input type="checkbox" name="domains[]" value="{$result.domain}" {if $num eq "0" && $available}checked {/if}/><input type="hidden" name="domainsregperiod[{$result.domain}]" value="{$result.period}" />{else}X{/if}</td>
           <td class="textcenter {if $result.status eq "available"}domcheckersuccess{else}domcheckererror{/if}">{if $result.status eq "available"}{$LANG.domainavailable}{else}{$LANG.domainunavailable}{/if}</td>
           <td class="textcenter">{if $result.status eq "unavailable"}<a href="http://{$result.domain}" target="_blank">WWW</a> <a href="#" onclick="popupWindow('whois.php?domain={$result.domain}','whois',650,420);return false">WHOIS</a>{else}<select name="domainsregperiod[{$result.domain}]">{foreach key=period item=regoption from=$result.regoptions}<option value="{$period}">{$period} {$LANG.orderyears} @ {$regoption.register}</option>{/foreach}</select>{/if}</td>

{if $domainavail}<p align="center"><input type="submit" value="{$LANG.ordernowbutton} »" class="btn btn-success" /></p>{/if}

what the above code will do is, IF there is at least one available domain, it will show a green "Order Now" button; if there are no domains available, it shows nothing.


now, if there are no domains available and you want it to do *something*, then just expand the {if} statement..


{if $domainavail}<p align="center"><input type="submit"  value="{$LANG.ordernowbutton} »" class="btn btn-success"  /></p>{else}No Available Domains Found.{/if}

obviously, i'm keeping this very basic (no text formatting) - but ideally, what you should do (if your site uses multiple languages) is use Language Overrides to display the text rather than enter the text directly as I have above!




if you wanted to display a red button for no available domains, then just replace the text with the red button link from the original code and use a Language Override to specify the different text within it.

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when you say textarea, do you mean you're using the bulk domain registration tool ?

if you're just using the standard domainchecker, then it should offer alternate TLDs that you've highlighted in the Bulk TLD List.


Yes, sorry for the confusion, that is what I meant, I had the Bulk Check TLDs enebled, what I missed is:

"Note: This only applies to the shopping cart process and not the bulk domain checker."


I think that would be good to have in the domainchecker page as well.


I changed the code you suggested, and it's much better now.

Thank you for the language heads up, I have that covered already.


Again thank you for your great assistance.


Now the only thing left is the captcha not always getting it right, but I guess I can live with that ... one can think they actuall did mistype :evil: however I think a honeypot approach to the form would be great.

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