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I am not opening this thread to start a war, I just want to view my concerns and opinion.


I'm sure you'll all be very happy to hear that I am now personally involved with getting the updated app finished and out the door to you. Any issues that were holding this back, have been sorted and we expect to be able to share some good news with you, very soon.


This is awesome news, and I look forward to a speedy release date.


"Doesn't work at all. Crashes every time I open it." <- useless to us.

This may be useless, but when we can't get past the main welcome screen we cant give you more details besides, we open the app and it takes us back to our main iphone page. What else can we tell you regarding the crash?


"When is this coming? This is getting frustrating!" <- useless to us and annoying.

I understand this may be annoying but think of us, how annoying it is to us users who have paid GOOD money to have this app, for it not to work, VERY annoying on our end! WHMCS should support their products and be on top of updates for paid purchases. Now if it was a free app I can see how it would be annoying on your part, but we have paid to use this, and we can't.


If you purchased a car, and it was under warranty and it stopped working, you took it back to the dealership and you couldn't drive you car in the mean time, and the dealership keeps telling you a fix is coming soon, and months later still no fix and your still not able to use your car, wouldn't you be pissed off ? I know we are talking to totally different price ranges, but either way we have worked hard for our money, and want what we paid for, a working app!! and I dont think its unreasonable considering we were told that we would see a update before the new year, and here we are 26 days into the new year and still nothing.

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In regards to this post;



I am not opening this thread to start a war, I just want to view my concerns and opinion.


You have already, many, many times. Across multiple threads on this forum. In that one thread you mention, you have more posts than anyone else, 18. You're one of the reasons I closed the other thread. But you always fail to provide any details, and so is why I've asked for them to be more specific if you would, please.


And yet here we are again, more of the same. (no war intended, let's agree on this part shall we, please?)


I'm sure you'll all be very happy to hear that I am now personally involved with getting the updated app finished and out the door to you. Any issues that were holding this back, have been sorted and we expect to be able to share some good news with you, very soon.


This is awesome news, and I look forward to a speedy release date.



The latest beta version is running on my old iPhone 4, running iOS7, right now. I have not been able to crash it yet and I have multiple, completely separate WHMCS installs configured. And, as far as I can tell so far, working as expected. Myself and several others are providing feedback on the apps functionality, and last I heard, as I've been out of town, this is going rather well.


Again, this is the reason why I'm asking for exact steps to make it crash. If you can provide those. With some extended details provided on your part, I can try and recreate the issues, for you, on my end, and if confirmed they still exist, get them fixed before WHMCS rolls out this exciting new update.


Please work with me here. I want to help.


"Doesn't work at all. Crashes every time I open it." <- useless to us.

This may be useless, but when we can't get past the main welcome screen we cant give you more details besides, we open the app and it takes us back to our main iphone page. What else can we tell you regarding the crash?


Lots. Keeping in mind I am not a WHMCS Developer or Technical Support, nor am I an iOS Developer who has touched this apps code, I'm an end user, like you. Have you tried to reinstall the app completely? How many other apps where running on your phone when you had it crash? Had your phone been rebooted lately? Are you doing anything customized with your WHMCS installation, if yes, what? Are you able to setup a completely separate Dev installation, fresh, no addons or customizations and connect the app to that install, and confirm the same sort of behavior?


As a few, some possibly silly suggestions here worth consideration.


"When is this coming? This is getting frustrating!" <- useless to us and annoying.

I understand this may be annoying but think of us, how annoying it is to us users who have paid GOOD money to have this app, for it not to work, VERY annoying on our end!


Trust me on this, I am thinking of you. I fully expected this thread, or at least one of them, to be started by you.


That quote you quoted me as quoting, is yours.


Again, I specifically asked to get involved here to help you. Please, enough with the "good money" and "getting frustrating!" comments, I get it. Your comments are just as I called them, useless. My apologies if that comment troubles you, it's not meant to be insulting in any way.


Team WHMCS is extremely busy with many new and exciting things right now. I stepped up to ask if I could help push this along, in an effort to get it out the door, to you, as soon as possible.


I always complete what I step up to do for WHMCS, please help me do that here, too.


WHMCS should support their products and be on top of updates for paid purchases. Now if it was a free app I can see how it would be annoying on your part, but we have paid to use this, and we can't.


To be clear, WHMCS fully supports *.WHMCS. Free or otherwise.


Your repeated posts, including this new one today, have no real value here, still. All apps on all stores for any device known to man, has bugs. Read those updates details the next time you update ANY apps you use to see the term "various bug fixes" or some other terms similar.


If you already know this, then you might expect that to be the case, or was the case here with iWHMCS in the past.


You should also already know I think, that last year was a very busy year for WHMCS, for a variety of reasons. Some of them rather ugly and troublesome. And that the app was working ok, previously, various bugs aside of course, pre-iOS7.


And then iOS7 apparently introduced additional issues making it even more trouble to use. I only first used the app, after the release of iOS7, so I cannot comment on issues or bugs prior. And, although I was able to duplicate crashes, it was working, somewhat. I still have the public release installed as well right now on my old iPhone4 with iOS7.


I'm not making excuses, nor promising any deadlines or time frames. I'm flat out telling you in no uncertain terms that we're going to get the app out the door to you, as soon as possible. You have my word on that.


Please accept my apologies on behalf of WHMCS for the delays here with this, but the details and reasons couldn't be avoided. There's is nothing holding us back now though, full speed ahead!


This is the part in these sorts of threads where someone always gets mad at me for my tone, or commenting style. I'll try my best here not to let that happen here, but...


If you purchased a car, and it was under warranty and it stopped working, you took it back to the dealership and you couldn't drive you car in the mean time, and the dealership keeps telling you a fix is coming soon, and months later still no fix and your still not able to use your car, wouldn't you be pissed off ? I know we are talking to totally different price ranges, but either way we have worked hard for our money, and want what we paid for, a working app!! and I dont think its unreasonable considering we were told that we would see a update before the new year, and here we are 26 days into the new year and still nothing.



I drive a 2010 Camaro, under warranty, and am taking it back in tomorrow morning to get a fix, fixed, for the 3rd time. Engine work. This app is not a car. The comparison is not about the price difference, your comparison is apples and oranges and is useless here.


Mobile devices are a convenience. Those devices and the apps on them frees us from being stuck behind our desks. Your business does not suffer due to the app not working as expected for you, like me not having a car to go out for a beer might have me suffering on a Friday night.


I can give you a list as long as your arm of apps I've paid good money for that don't work right, or are all but useless, and frustrating to me. iWHMCS is not useless. The current public release works, but with bugs. In my own testing scenarios I have confirmed this over and over.



Now, can you please stop with the useless comments and help me to help you and post some specific details?


I want to help. We are on top of this now and expect a release very soon.


Thank you very much.

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